Unbridled Pursuit (Novak Springs Book 2)

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Book: Unbridled Pursuit (Novak Springs Book 2) by Dawn Brower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Brower
my dress. Once I’m done, I expect you to slip yours on so I can see it on you.”
    Ginnifer left Tori’s side and went inside the dressing room to remove her gown. Tori sat down in a chair to wait. Why couldn’t she find someone to love her? Was there something wrong with her? Ginny was her best friend—of course she believed she was special. If she was wonderful and unique, why hadn’t she been able to find someone who wanted her as much as she wanted them? Not just desire, but the whole shebang. She needed to feel that elusive, wonderful emotion that had escaped her for so long.
    Ginny gave it to her on a small level. With her best friend, she was able grasp something of what real love could be. Absolute acceptance and unconditional love, something her parents never gave to her while she grew up. Instead, they played her and her twin, Vivian, against each other. They saw it as a way of driving up their competitiveness. All they accomplished was driving a permanent wedge between the sisters.
    Vitoria hadn’t actually talked to Viv in years. She had no idea what her sister was doing these days. The last time she saw her was after she graduated from college. Vivian had flown back to the east coast to visit. They hadn’t said much to each other. It worked better that way. The less they said the fewer chances of using it against each other later. It was what their parents expected.
    When Ginny entered her life, she hadn’t been open to friendship. Somehow she wormed her way inside her heart and had been there ever since. Vitoria couldn’t lose the one person she had come to count on. The only friend she’d ever had.
    A sound filled the space around her. A slight creak and click of the door in front of her and she glanced up to see Ginnifer standing in front of her. “The room’s all yours. Go put on your dress.”
    Vitoria stood up and grabbed the garment bag off the hook. She strolled into the separate room and unzipped it to reveal a lovely sky-blue bridesmaid’s dress. Her fingers traced over the delicate material. A soft sigh fell between her open lips. Stepping away from the dress, she took off her clothes so she could try it on. After she was stripped down to her bra and panties, she slipped the dress on. The dress was long, a sheath with lace all over it. The strapless neckline dipped low and hugged her breasts. It was almost too long. Alterations would need to be made to adjust for her short stature. Tori slipped on her stilettos and walked out to get Ginny’s opinion.
    “Oh, it’s so beautiful on you. I knew that color would match your eyes.” Ginny clapped with excitement. A grin spread on her face, so huge it almost went ear to ear.
    “It’s a tad long…”
    “That’s what alterations are for. Peggy is going to pin it up for you.”
    Peggy motioned for Vitoria to step onto a platform shaped like a circle. She spread the dress around it. “Are you going to wear heels this high during the wedding?”
    “Yes, I like my high heels,” Vitoria replied.
    “Good, then this will be an accurate measurement.” She began to pin up the dress around Vitoria. After several minutes, she stopped and surveyed her handiwork. “Will this length be manageable for you?”
    Vitoria twirled to get a feel for how the dress would move. “Yes, this will do nicely.”
    “Good. How is the bodice? Do you think you might need it tucked in tighter?” Peggy asked.
    Vitoria skimmed the top of the bodice with the tips of her fingers. She gauged the room around the edges. “No, it is fine. Unless I lose weight, it will hold up well.”
    “All right, if you take the dress off I will write up the order for your alterations. When you are done place the garment bag on the hook. I will retrieve it when I’m done.”
    “Thanks, Peggy.” Vitoria stepped down and went to remove her dress.
    She took off her gown and placed it carefully back into the bag. Vitoria dressed and stepped back into her stilettos. She exited the room

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