Mikal (Second Wave Book 3)

Free Mikal (Second Wave Book 3) by Mikayla Lane

Book: Mikal (Second Wave Book 3) by Mikayla Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mikayla Lane
are you?” Dr. Mussberger demanded, rocking the chair back and forth as he screamed in frustration.
    Alpha Two was getting ready to say something to him when Dree slapped the doctor across the face so hard the sound echoed around the room as several of the brothers uttered “Oh!” and “Damn, girl!”
    Two watched in surprise as the small woman leaned close to the doctor.
    “I bet this is exactly how you treated her and her sisters. Isn’t it awful when you get to be on the other end? Tsk, tsk. Embrace the suck, asshole. This is your life now, and I’m the bitch Karma warned you about,” she said before leaning on the knife handle, still embedded in the doctor’s thigh.
    The doctor screamed in pain before one of Mikal’s brothers wrapped some duct tape around his mouth and his head, uncaring that his hair would be ripped out when they removed it later.
    Alpha Two grinned, liking the tough little blond and Mikal’s family more by the second.
    “Mikal, let’s get him to Amun and make sure he isn’t carrying a tracker and get him on the truth serum. The faster we get the truth, the faster we get those girls out,” Chris said, not liking that they were wasting time.
    If there was someone after the female, then they could all get caught in a trap, and Chris wouldn’t take that chance with his family.
    Gunnar, called Gun by everyone, cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention.
    “In case you guys didn’t notice, we have an advantage that we’re losing by the second. They are expecting her and Mikal, not all of us. If we move quickly, we can take them by surprise and get everyone out safely,” Gun suggested, hoping they could leave soon and get moving on the labs.
    As much as he and his brothers wanted to help Mikal and his people, they also wanted to find their uncle, Koda, and they were hoping the labs would lead them to him.
    Mikal nodded and spoke to Alpha Two through their private connection.
    “We need to take him to a place where we can force him to talk,” Mikal said, hoping she’d agree and not force him to do something drastic.
    Alpha Two nodded her head.
    “Where will you take him?” she asked.
    Dree put an arm around Two’s waist and chuckled.
    “Girl, we got better digs than this! Come on, you can bunk with me until we get your sisters,” Dree said as she looked up at Two with a bright smile.
    Alpha Two just nodded her head at the adorable woman and looked up in surprise as two of Mikal’s brothers picked up the chair with the doctor still tied to it and headed out of the door. Dr. Mussberger immediately started screaming behind the tape.
    Jason shook his side of the chair until the doctor shut up.
    “Don’t make us drop you, idiot. We still haven’t got you in the ship yet. That would be a hell of a fall,” Jason said with a nasty grin.
    “Ship?” Two asked Mikal.
    “That’s how they get around. They can’t walk the wind like we can. They have other gifts,” Mikal said with pride as he looked at his siblings heading back to the clearing to hop the transport.
    “Where are we going?” Two asked, suddenly feeling nervous now that they were alone in the cabin.
    Mikal chuckled softly.
    “We’re going to one of our bases. We conduct operations from there and can plan the best way to get our sisters out. There’s less of a chance you or them will be found there. You’ll see,” Mikal said honestly.
    “Come on guys! Amun is going to meet us there!” Chris called from outside.
    “Amun is one of our doctors, he’ll help us make sure the doctor stays alive while we get what information we can from him,” Mikal explained.
    Alpha Two knew she had no chance of getting her sisters without their help and sighed, nodding her head.
    “Let’s go. What’s it like to fly in a ship?” she asked curiously as she headed towards the bedroom and quickly packed her weapons.
    “It’s a lot more confining than when we walk the wind, but much more entertaining with my siblings in the ship

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