The Myatheira Chronicles: Volume Two: Beyond the Veil

Free The Myatheira Chronicles: Volume Two: Beyond the Veil by Melissa Collins

Book: The Myatheira Chronicles: Volume Two: Beyond the Veil by Melissa Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Collins
from the watchful eyes of Callum – and everyone else at the celebration. He was worth taking the time to get to know when she wasn’t occupied with the constant torment of another man.
    She gasped in surprise to find Callum suddenly beside them, his hand coming to rest firmly on Dacian’s shoulder. “Lord Dacian. I hate to intrude, but if I may steal your partner for a moment.”
    “Of course, Commander.” Dacian stepped back, his face contorting in confusion at Callum’s approach. He stood, staring at Aiva in disbelief before slowly finding his way into the crowd.
    Her anger rose in the presence of Callum. Forcing his company on her. Jaw clenched, she remained stiff as his hands took their position around her for the dance. “Did you just pull rank on my partner?” she demanded. Her voice was cold. Hard. It was astonishing, the audacity he had in using his superior status to coerce Dacian into giving up her hand.
    “It seemed the only way I would find a chance to speak with you.”
    “If you hoped for pleasant conversation, then you chose the wrong method of gaining my attention.”
    Aiva felt her pulse quicken. There was something about the way he was looking at her. She didn’t like it. She didn’t like anything about his closeness. In his arms there was no escape. The firmness of his frame. He was stronger now than she recalled. The scent of his cologne was soothing. Sweet. She hated how much she enjoyed everything about his company, except for him. Why couldn’t he have been anyone else in that ballroom?
    People were watching them. More whispers passing between the courtiers. Everyone had seen the intrusion Callum made upon her and Dacian. It was enough to raise suspicions. Curiosity. From the head of the room she was even aware of her parents gazing at them with heightened interest.
    Firm in her decision not to give him satisfaction, she stared straight ahead, the shining gold of the buttons on Callum’s doublet blurring into round specks which filled her vision. She refused to look at him. He would not have the pleasure of seeing her eyes, nor did she have any desire to see his.
    “Have you been well?”
    She let his question linger on the air between them. Why did he even ask? “That never seemed important enough for you in the past. I feel compelled not to answer.”
    “Your well-being has always been important to me.”
    “Then perhaps you should write my brother a note and ask him how I am doing.”
    Frustrated, she broke away from his hold, a short curtsy signaling the end of her participation in the dance. She couldn’t keep up the act through her growing rage. He was ruining everything! There was no fun in her game when he’d found a way to win. It was best if she excuse herself from the celebration. There was little there to keep her interest any longer.
    The room was uncharacteristically quiet as she made her way to the door. This was one of the times when she wished people cared less about the details of her personal life. It was none of their business.
    Stepping into the foyer, she drew a breath, clutching uncomfortably at the stiffness of her bodice. She needed air. A walk would do her some good. Through the privacy of the inner palace courtyard. It would be off-limits to the guests of the party. One of the few places where she might be able to regain her senses. She needed to think.
    “Your Highness,” Dacian’s voice came as a welcome relief to Aiva’s ears.
    Yes. He was exactly who she wanted to see. If Callum tried to come after her, he would find them in each other’s private company and have no choice but to leave. If he created too much of a disturbance, she could have him removed from the palace. She didn’t care who his father was. It would be out of line for him to presume he had any special rights within the royal home. “Lord Dacian. I was just about to go for a walk, if you would like to accompany me.”
    “I would like that very much,” he smiled, moving over to

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