Red Angel

Free Red Angel by C. R. Daems

Book: Red Angel by C. R. Daems Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. R. Daems
Intelligence. We don't advertise who works in
the group. So when someone does something noteworthy he or she gets
congratulated among his peers but gets no public recognition."
since I have one of those hundred-thousand-credit kraits," I said with relief
and received nods of agreement.



    Alexa, Stauffer,
and I sat on the balcony watching the cadets receiving their diplomas, which
officially made them junior lieutenants. They were currently calling names
beginning with the letter K. I felt a bit nostalgic as cadets I knew from my
classes walked onto the stage to receive their diploma and letter of promotion.
These past four years had been the best years of my life. But now what? I
cringed at the thought. Where would I go and what would I do? I had begun to
panic when Stauffer thankfully distracted me.
like you should be receiving your diploma down there," he said, knowing I
had received mine in the academy president's office in a private ceremony with
several of my instructors and Alexa.
They had to endure drills, daily exercises, lectures on supervising, extra
duties like cleaning latrines, and only got to see their family for short
periods of time. I had all the fun classes and got to go home each night. No,
it wouldn't be right for me to be receiving my diploma with them," I said,
satisfied with having a diploma from the academy and more importantly, a good
education … to do what? I was mentally being pulled into that dark tunnel of
self-pity and depression.
offered you a job last year, which you turned down for good reasons. But you've
helped me several times this year for free. I can't in good conscience expect
you to continue with that arrangement. Besides, I want you full time. You are
too young to be commissioned as an officer, and offering you an enlisted slot
wouldn't be right with your education and experience with my department.
Therefore, I'm offering you a civilian consultant's position at a position
equivalent to the rank of a junior lieutenant." He smiled.
    I sat with my
mouth open in disbelief.
doesn't even require your mother’s approval, although I'm sure you will want to
discuss it with her, and you should. I've talked with my team, and they all
want you in the group. Age isn't as important to them as catching the bad guys,
and you've proven you can contribute. Take whatever time you need to
you, Commander Stauffer. The offer sounds too good to be true, but you're
right. I do want to discuss it with my mother," I said looking to Alexa,
who smiled but said nothing. I was sure there were a million things I needed to
consider, and she would know what they were. Regardless of how much I wanted to
accept, I wouldn't if it endangered my relationship with her. She was my
lighthouse, guiding me to safety past treacherous rocks in stormy seas. There
was nothing in my life more important than her.
    I continued
taping the ceremony, but my mind raced with excitement: a job I liked, a salary
to support myself, a future ... After the ceremony ended and Stauffer left,
Alexa took me to an expensive restaurant in Eteos City, which was close to the
academy and the Naval Intelligence offices but more than an hour from our
restaurant looked and felt old. Not old and decrepit but old money and steeped
in tradition. The wooden tables were covered in maroon satin tablecloths and
set with china plates, crystal glasses, and heavy silverware. The chairs were padded
and covered in a maroon material with a crest I didn't recognize. The walls
were covered with oil paintings: portraits, various landscapes, and scenes from
old Earth. And the lighting and background music subdued to make for a relaxing
and intimate atmosphere.
I whispered.
    "This is
the Aughoes, one of the oldest restaurants on Oxax. It attracts the rich and
famous. You will never be rushed or interrupted here. You could sit here all
night with just a cup of coffee."

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