The Defiant: An Unbeaten Path

Free The Defiant: An Unbeaten Path by John W. Vance

Book: The Defiant: An Unbeaten Path by John W. Vance Read Free Book Online
Authors: John W. Vance
I’m desperate, please understand,” she answered, her tone conciliatory.
    “Fair enough,” he said as he put the vehicle into gear and sped off.

    Wellsville, Utah

    Becky could tell by the look on Nicholas’ face that he wasn’t listening to the doctor’s recommendations.
    And she was right; Nicholas looked past the doctor towards the window and the trees beyond that.
    No one had any reports on Bryn and Rob, and this unnerved Nicholas. He was already filled with guilt over Proctor; now he was faced with possibly losing two others in his group. He and Becky had sat up talking last night about the entire situation, and she now agreed that the idea of having a democracy was just plain silly. It sounded practical before they left, but that was their pre-apocalypse mindset. Few people had ever lived in such situations and thought that a simple vote could make everything all right. But the vast majority of people lacked real experience of combat and warlike situations. What was best was one person making the tough calls. Nicholas mainly faulted himself. He had some combat experience, but it had been over two decades before, and in many ways he had become soft. He’d allowed himself to be talked out of what he knew was the right call. The consensus he and Becky had come to last night was that he would be in total control. They’d keep their little democracy but only for decisions that were considered minor.
    “Mr. McNeil, are you listening to me?” the doctor asked. She could clearly see he wasn’t focused on her.
    “Um, yeah. You recommend I take it easy.”
    “Mr. McNeil, you have been shot. Fortunately the bullet traveled clean through; however, you could still open yourself up for infection. Your number seven and eight ribs on your right side are bruised and you sustained a concussion.”
    “Got it.”
    Becky thought about asking Nicholas to take the doctor’s words more seriously, but she knew him and it was a waste of breath.
    The doctor frowned, and her irritation with his lack of respect for her was apparent. “Here is some Advil, some cephalexin to prevent infection, and if the pain is more than the Advil can handle, here’s some hydrocodone.”
    Becky took the three bottles and tossed them in a small satchel.
    Still ignoring the doctor, Nicholas turned and asked Becky, “Where’s Abby?”
    “Out front with Colin and the others.”
    “And Katherine?”
    “She’s out there too. I forgot to mention she wants to hold a funeral here in two days.”
    Nicholas nodded.
    “The nurse will check you out,” the doctor said and exited the room.
    As soon as the door to his room closed, Nicholas exclaimed, “Thank God. Can we get the hell out of here?”
    “Be grateful, these people have been generous and very nice.”
    He thought for a second and agreed, “Don’t get me wrong, this has been a miracle. I could never have imagined a town would still function and operate almost like nothing had happened here.”

    Becky stayed with Nicholas as he went through the procedural checking out from the clinic. After a few jokes and some heavy exhaling from Nicholas, as the process took longer than he wanted, they found themselves outside.
    When Nicholas saw Colin and the group, he jumped out of the wheelchair and headed towards them. “Colin, we need to have a few words.”
    Colin didn’t have to guess what it was about. “Yes, boss.”
    Nicholas opened his arms and said, “C’mon here, buddy.”
    Colin looked at him strangely, not expecting a warm reunion. He embraced Nicholas and said, “Glad you’re okay.”
    “And please, stop calling me boss. I’ve already asked you before to stop that. Please, enough.”
    “It’s a Southern thing.”
    “Well, we’re not in the South, nor are we anywhere close to the Mason-Dixon Line.”
    “Roger that, I’ll stop.”
    “Did you do as I asked?” Nicholas queried.
    “Yep, we’re to see him as soon as you’re ready,” Colin answered, referring to the mayor of

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