The Epherium Chronicles: Embrace

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Book: The Epherium Chronicles: Embrace by T.D. Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.D. Wilson
Why would he want to come along? I know that the Akitas were his project, but this trip presents a lot of risk for hostile confrontation.” Hood shook his head. “Something else is in play here, I don’t like it.”
    “Your concern is noted, Captain,” Tramp said. “But, there is another issue. Your request for Major McGregor made waves all the way to the Chancellery. Admiral Grant had to spend a lot of his clout to get the charges dismissed and have him assigned to you. Now there is a lot more political pressure on the brass that this mission is a success. Are you absolutely sure he is the right guy for this mission? His record against the Cilik’ti is exemplary, but the baggage could be detrimental.”
    Hood watched two technicians approach the admiral’s shuttle and begin their systematic checks of the exterior before refueling and routine maintenance. “Tell Admiral Grant I am fully aware of the situation with our troubled Major, but I strongly believe that he’s the right person here. We might find ourselves in a real pickle defending the colonists, and his experience and rapport with the Marines under him are what I need. I can sort out the baggage. Do you have anything else?”
    “Just one more item, James. Due to the issues with Epherium and the advent of some political intrigue, Admiral Grant and I decided to assign you a different Chief Security Officer. We feel you need someone who has unique skills in investigation as well as enforcement.”
    Hood gave Admiral Tramp a puzzled look. “I felt Lieutenant Nakamura was very capable for what we need onboard, but who do you have in mind?”
    Tramp reached over and tapped another file on the data pad and Hood quickly began to review it. “Her name is Lieutenant Maya Greywalker.”
    Hood stopped and tried to think. “Wait a minute, sir. You’re not saying that she is one of Julian Greywalker’s ‘children’ are you?”
    “Yes, Captain. That is exactly what I am saying.”
    “I didn’t think there were any of them still alive.”
    Admiral Tramp took a deep breath, held it for a moment then it let out. “The project Julian Greywalker conducted was an unsanctioned genetics experiment. Frankly, I was amazed that he was able to keep it a secret for so long.”
    “He had a remote facility on Mars near Cydonia Labryrinthus, didn’t he?” Hood asked.
    Admiral Tramp nodded. “Evidently, he felt his project needed absolute seclusion.”
    “I always wondered about their augmented abilities. I heard stories, but never really followed them,” Hood said. “Don’t they all have the same strange eye color? Bright blue, if I’m not mistaken.”
    “Almost luminescent would be a better description, James. Damn creepy if you ask me.”
    Tramp leaned closer and pointed to a location on Maya’s file. “Maya possesses tremendous skills in deductive reasoning and was a natural at criminal investigation. She also is very adept at hand-to-hand combat and has mastered several martial arts techniques. She comes highly recommended and has excelled in every security posting that she’s been assigned.”
    Hood’s grin echoed his approval. “I like what I see here and her commendations file is jammed. It would be great if we can get her. Where is she now?”
    Jupiter Station
Wednesday , January 15
Earth Year 2155
    Maya Greywalker bent her lean, nearly two meter frame down to the ground gracefully, grasped her Browning IP9 sidearm from the ground and carefully placed it back into its holster at her hip. She looked over at the gathering of her security team which was huddled around a man lying on the dusty cargo room floor. The man groaned in obvious pain, but Maya had no sympathy for him.
    The man was nothing but a two-bit arms smuggler who crossed the wrong people and sparked a gun battle on her station. When the situation turned bad, he ran and hid, but not before taking a hostage—a little girl. It didn’t take long for Maya and her team to track him down. When

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