Dark Memories (The Phantom Diaries, #2)

Free Dark Memories (The Phantom Diaries, #2) by Kailin Gow

Book: Dark Memories (The Phantom Diaries, #2) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
  “Is the impresario still enamored with his starlet?”
    Aaron chuckled and gazed lovingly at Annette.   In a gesture of proprietorship, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, drawing a sweet smile from Annette.
    The image they portrayed was captured by a dozen cameras as the crowd became enraptured by the blossoming romance.   But I was struck by the sight, immediately remembering the sight of Annette in Aaron’s arms only hours earlier.   My gut tightened and my jaw clenched.
    Punching a hole through the wall wouldn’t do this time.   It was his face I wanted to pummel.   The rage, the anger and the need to see his blood soon painted over the scene with a haze of black and death.   Voices around me became a distant buzz and all I could see were Annette’s eyes as she gazed lovingly at the man I loathed.
    The crowd began to slowly ebb away, leaving only the most ardent fan and hangers-on.
    Would they leave together? As was customary, Aaron would take Annette out to dinner, they would share intimate hours together and he would do everything within his power to win her love and admiration.
    My mind raced as I thought of my own plans to bring her home and treat her as my princess.
    “I must leave you, darling,” Aaron said.   “Though it pains me to do so, I have a pressing engagement I simply cannot avoid. Do forgive me.”
    “Of course I do, Aaron.” Annette’s eyes showed only the slightest signs of relief. “My return to the stage has left me completely exhausted and I fear I wouldn’t have been very good company. I’ll no doubt be early to bed.”
    With his hands clamped over Annette’s, he leaned down to give her a professional peck on the cheek. “Tomorrow, however, I’m all yours.”
    He left her, his eyes victorious as he walked by and gazed at me with disdain.
    With the last of the hangers-on being escorted out, I approached Annette.
    “Eric, I’m so happy you came by.” Still on her whirlwind of publicity, she maintained her professional tone.
    “You knew I’d stay, didn’t you?”
    Her smile warmed and her eyes relaxed as she shook off the opera diva and reconnected with the Annette I knew and loved. “You’re a mysterious man, Eric.   You disappear without warning and appear when I least expect you.”
    “Are you too exhausted to come have dinner? I’ve something special planned.”
    Her eyes bore through mine, questioning, wanting and unsure.   For a brief moment her lips parted and I felt her desire to say something, but she simply smiled and shook her head.
    “Abner has prepared a special feast in honor of your return.”
    “I’m never too exhausted to be with you.”
    Our journey through the gloomy tunnels was silent and I felt the weight of her thoughts. Though she was right by my side, she seemed distant and lost in the depths of her doubts.
    Abner had indeed prepared a feast worthy of royalty. The dining room glowed under the shimmer of a hundred candles while the air greeted us with the tempting scents of the meal he’d planned.
    “This is all exquisite, Eric,” Annette said, setting down her fork and dabbing her napkin to the corners of her lips.   Her plate was empty and her wine glass dry.
    “I’ll let Abner know you appreciate his culinary talent.”
    Fatigue showed in her eyes that were narrow and heavy.
    I led her into the bedchamber. “These past days have been quite demanding.”
    She sighed. “These past weeks.   I’ve never been so busy, so lacking in free time as I have been since coming to
New York
. I knew it was the city that never sleeps, I just didn’t realize to what I extent I wouldn’t sleep.” She smiled and seemed pleased with her new life in the big city.
    With a sigh that reverberated with longing more than fatigue, she turned to me and put her hand to my chest. The simple touch told me of her desire for me. But her gaze remained restrained.
    “You’re fearful, my love,” I said. I regretted the words. Now was not

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