Anna: Bride of Alabama (American Mail-Order Bride 22)
one suits you best.”
    * * * *
    The dress shop was his least favorite place to be but Gabriel would do whatever it took to make Julia happy. If he had to sit there all day while she picked out a dress for the Grants big party, then he’d do it.
    Neither of the Elliott sisters were up front when he entered. Neither were Julia and Anna. He made himself comfortable on the settee and waited. Ten minutes later movement behind the curtain at the back of the store drew his attention, He heard voices, a few giggles and the Elliott sisters emerged, followed by Julia. 
    He straightened as the curtain moved again and Anna came out in a pale green gown in a simple style that was in fashion.
    Edith gasped and raised a hand to her chest. “Its perfect. I told you this style would suit you.”
    Anna walked fully into the shop and turned to the set of mirrors in one corner of the store. She didn’t say anything as she stared at her reflection but turned in each direction a few times before looking down at Julia. “What do you think?”
    Julia tapped one finger on her chin and walked around Anna, inspecting the gown. “I don’t know. Its pretty but I’m not sure its the right one.”
    “We have others,” Edith said. “You don’t have to decide just yet. Let’s go see what else we have you might like.”
    Anna turned to follow Edith but stopped when she saw him. She blushed a rosy pink before ducking behind the curtain. Julia smiled and joined him on the settee.
    “I thought you wanted a dress for yourself.”
    Julia shrugged her shoulders. “I have more dresses than I need. Anna has nothing to wear for a party as fancy as the ones the Grants have so, she needs something suitable.”
    Anna reemerged in a pink dress with so many ruffles you could barely see her for all the frippery.
    “No, definitely not,” Julia said. “Try something else, Anna.”
    She hesitated a moment before heading back behind the curtain. When she came back out, Gabriel smiled. This dress was cut just low enough in the front to make a man wish it was cut a little bit lower. The material hugged her waist and hips and Gabriel nodded. “That’s the one, Mrs. Elliott.”
    Anna met his gaze, an uneasy look on her face. “I think maybe the first one is more suitable.”
    “Not for the Grants party,” Julia said. “I agree with father. That gown is perfect.”
    Anna ran her hands down the front of the dress and let out a breath before looking back up. “Its quite lovely but…”
    “But what?”
    “Its very expensive.”
    Gabriel laughed. “Everything in this store is expensive.”
    Edwina raised her chin a notch. “Only because we have the finest materials in town.”
    “I’m don’t doubt you do,” Gabriel said. “I was merely stating a fact.”
    Edith made an unladylike snort and turned to her sister, talking quietly under her breath a moment before both of them moved to a rack of silk fabrics.
    Gabriel stood and started for the door. He looked at Julia before going outside. “I’ll be waiting by the Surrey. Just sign the work order and tell Mrs. Elliott to send me the bill.” He locked eyes with Anna for a brief moment before heading back out to the sidewalk. 
    His plan to ignore her wasn’t working the way he hoped it would. He rose early every morning so he would be out with James before Anna came downstairs. He took his midday meal later than he liked to avoid her and stayed out past dusk for the same reason. Regardless of how often he tried to steer clear of her, he saw her daily.
    Sitting on the balcony at night and staring at the moon he’d hear her humming and rise from his chair to peek around the corner. She liked to sit on the balcony railing and brush her hair and he’d never admit to another soul how much he liked to watch her run that brush through all those lush curls.
    More than once he tried to convince himself he was ready to give his heart to someone else but every time he did the humiliation

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