Forbidden Drink
sympathisers, those willing to aid and offer their blood up for food. But, lately, Wellington has had a run of humans killing vampires. It was part of the reason Michel had been chucked out by the Iunctio . They were not happy it had not been solved, so they had sent in their Enforcer, Gregor, to investigate and clean up. Do whatever it took to cover this up from the general public, before it got further out of hand. I'm guessing, so far, Gregor was having the same troubles Michel had, little success at all.
    Well, I couldn't leave this as it was. Gregor and his vampires were in trouble and whether these humans had a right to fight or not, they couldn't just kill vampires willy-nilly. No, that was my job and those of my kind.
    “Sorry mate, but this has to stop.” I struck out before he had a chance to answer with a simple front kick to his face, making his head snap back and his eyes roll up in his skull and forcing him backwards onto his back on the ground. Bugger. I forget my own strength sometimes. I quickly leaned down and checked his pulse; still strong, still regular, just out cold.
    I jumped out of the way as one of his mates ran to check him and then the shit hit the proverbial fan. Panic ensued, the humans going batshit crazy, slashing out at the vampires, because they thought it was their super speed that had allowed them to get to their man and they hadn't even been able to see it to stop it. Their anger fuelling their actions, making them equally dangerous and reckless at the same time. Stakes were slashing, landing here and there, but not full heart strikes, just deep gouges and tears in vampire flesh. The vamps were taking a beating and even with their combined supernatural strength, they were unable to stop this number of crazed humans on a rampage.
    Time for plan B.
    I danced up behind the back of the humans, sucked in a deep breath and spun. I usually reserve this move for vampires and I usually have a stake in hand. This time no stake and definitely no vampires, but the result was just as effective. I landed next to one human and flicked out a roundhouse kick, followed by a sweep of their legs and then a straight jab at their nose. Then in a spilt second, after making those moves in a blur, I was off to the next. Repeating my actions all over again. I managed to take out five before they realised they were in serious trouble. They also realised it wasn't the vamps in front of them doing the damage, but something altogether never heretofore seen.
    It's a little scary when you first realise there are actually monsters of the night. We've all read the Fairy-tales, read the urban fantasy novels, we've heard of Bram Stoker and Dracula, we're almost prepared for all of that. But, something that strikes with a speed you can't even comprehend and is also invisible, can make a grown man whimper. They couldn't see me, they couldn't hear me, I just took one out after the other in little more than ten seconds flat. I only stopped, because they had stopped. No longer fighting the vamps, but turning their backs to them and facing the new, bigger, more evil threat behind them.
    I could have laughed, but I was too damn weary and too damn disillusioned to do it. I was supposed to be the good guy, the one who protected the human innocents from the creatures of the night and here I was beating on their fragile human butts, to save the Nosferatu. What a screwed up little world I created for myself.
    The humans finally got the message, those still standing grabbing their mates and hauling arse out of the alley and back towards the safety of the late night pub crawlers and the lights of Lambton Quay.
    The vampires were all standing stock still.
    Gregor was the first to make a move, slowly raising his hands and clapping, a huge grin across his handsome face. I hardly ever noticed the scar any more, his beautiful grey eyes, now laced with silver and platinum swirls, plus the recent addition of my Sigillum , an ethereal shine or

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