Blood Legacy: Adult Urban Fantasy (The V V Inn Book 5)

Free Blood Legacy: Adult Urban Fantasy (The V V Inn Book 5) by C.J. Ellisson

Book: Blood Legacy: Adult Urban Fantasy (The V V Inn Book 5) by C.J. Ellisson Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.J. Ellisson
wrinkles, uncomfortable with the implications of a savage animal attack in a large cosmopolitan city. “At the very least, you’d think the masters of the city would know. Maybe it will turn out to be an escaped animal from the zoo.”
    The news segment cuts to the weather and our attention returns to the table. Rafe reaches for another small plate of food. “I’m sure the Tribunal will have their thumb on the pulse of the matter shortly. You know how they are regarding supernatural activity in ‘their’ city.” He uncharacteristically uses air quotes when speaking to show his emphasis. “Or you could go back and question Persephone again. It worked so well the first time.”
    I stiffen my spine at his dig, pulling my hand from his thigh. And this is the man I want to have sex with later? “Hey. I did learn something. It wasn’t a total waste of time.”
    Jon finishes his next small plate and says, “Hold up, now. Am I hearing this right—you went straight to the Tribunal already, without me? What the hell?”
    Rafe nods. “And now you see what I’m dealing with. Very little regard for planning or safety. Just jumps right in whenever she sees fit. Drives me crazy.”
    I scowl at my husband, noticing the commiserating look of understanding on Jon’s face at the same time. Bastards. If they weren’t on the same side and being agreeable with each other, I’d blast them into eternity with a scathing reply. “I learned that Persephone is lying to me. She does know where Rolando is, and she does know what they asked me during the interrogation.”
    “How?” Rafe asks. “She never revealed the info directly.”
    “Because she harped on the question too much—and if the video was of decent enough quality, she’d have been able to read their lips.”
    Jon responds before Rafe can, picking up his beer before speaking. “That’s a big assumption you’re making—like if the camera had the right angle, if the lighting was good enough, if they were facing the camera when they grilled you. I dunno. Lots of ‘ifs’ in there.”
    “And how did you logically draw the conclusion that she knew where Rolando was, too?” asks Rafe.  
    I shrug one shoulder and take a sip from my wine, wishing it had blood mixed in. “They’re close, and have been for years. Call it a hunch.”
    The two exchange a glance and don’t say anything else. I have a feeling they think my hunch is a bunch of crap. Fine. Nothing new with the two of them doubting my instincts.
    Jon sets down his now empty beer glass and turns to Rafe. “What did you learn while staking out the Tribunal?”
    A grimace appears and disappears quickly across my husband’s full lips. “Not as much as I’d hoped. I’ve got locations for the residences of a dozen lesser vamps in the employ of the Tribunal, but no one from the inner circle or the Ancients themselves.
    “For all I know, they could all live underground in the Seat of Darkness.” He dabs his mouth with a cloth napkin and sets it aside, clearly done with eating. “The greatest breakthrough occurred right before Dria arrived last night. I finally nailed down Justin’s location. I think we should question him tonight.”
    Unwilling to have us go off on a tangent, I say, “I still think finding Rolando should be our main focus, not dwelling on what Justin does or doesn’t know.”
    “I’d have agreed with you before talking to Diane,” Jon says. “But now I’m not so sure. What exactly does Justin do for the Tribunal? Who hired him? How does he pay for his spells?”
    Rafe answers him. “We know he does protection and detection spells for them at the very least. I’ve witnessed him doing last minute fine tunings as he leaves. I’m sure he’s compensated well enough to be able to pay for his spells and still have money left over.”
    Jon shakes his head. “That’s not what I meant. Diane explained that wizards work differently than witches when it comes to using magic. Whereas a witch

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