Team Mates
pleasure, eyes widening, her jaw slack with lust, her pink lips glistening. Stacie raised her head to give her a swift kiss. “Besides, Tabby,” she continued, eyes twinkling. “If his finger feels good, imagine how much better his cock will feel.”
    Beside her, Alan followed her example, filling his hand with Tabby's milk-white breast. The pale nipple was erect and turgid beneath his fingers, and he pinched it lightly, running his other hand across the tense curve of her belly. He could feel her muscles jerking as they took turns playing with Tabby's beautiful mounds.
    He met Stacie's eyes, and without words they communicated. As one, they bent their heads and took Tabby's long hard nipples into their mouths, suckling and flicking the erect nubs with their tongues.
    “Urrrkkkkk!!” Tabby grunted, her groin lifting completely off the bed. Oh, God, the feeling was incredible! Two hot mouths on her breasts, four loving hands touching her everywhere. Her pussy was on fire. She snaked an arm around Alan's neck and held him to her breast, her hand clenched in the hair at the nape of his neck. Her hips writhed, and she could feel his hot cock pressing on her hip, the fat tip smearing her skin with his secretions. With an urgent wiggle, she pulled him into the open vee of her legs, her back arching as she felt his strong chest push her deeper into the bed.
    Where was his cock? She needed it, wanted him as she had never wanted anything in her life. Alan's beautiful body and skillful hands had brought her to a fever pitch she had never felt with a man before. Her hand reached down between her legs, seeking. At last she found it, her hand curling around it possessively. She pulled at him gently, until her hand was near her nether lips. She let his throbbing length nestle against her swollen folds, her nimble fingers softly stroking the bulging head.
    Drawn higher by her touch, her new lover smiled into her eyes, then bent to kiss her. She cupped his cheek in her hand and drew him ever closer, kissing him thoroughly, savoring the taste of him as their saliva mingled. At her side, unseen but not forgotten, Stacie continued her loving ministrations. Her hot mouth never left her breast, and her hands, oh, her hands were everywhere.
    She could feel sweat beading at her hairline. The slow tide of arousal started to crest. Not close, not yet, but a premonition, a foreshadowing, a hint of what was to become. Oh, God, it was going to be fucking massive.
    Trying to stave off the earth-shattering climax she was sure was coming, she tried to wiggle away from Alan's cock. Unfortunately, he matched her every move, and she eventually ran out of room.
    “What's the matter, Tabby?” Stacie whispered wickedly, her hand moving down to join Alan's rod at the portals of her sex. “Your eyes bigger than your vag? Worried you can't take it all?” Her fingers swept down, gathering dew from her folds, then rose again to dance on the throbbing nubbin of Tabby's clitoris. Tabby had to bite her lip to keep an explosive scream from tearing loose. Stacie went on. “He's pretty well hung, I will admit. But he's not much bigger than the strap-on we use sometimes.”
    Tabby shook her head, sweat-dampened tendrils of hair sticking to her cheeks. “It's not that. It's...oh, God, Stacie, I want this to last. I never want this feeling to end.” Despite her words, she knew she couldn't hold out much longer. As Alan nestled his slick head against her opening, she wrapped her legs around his waist.
    “Silly girl,” Stacie whispered. “Do you think this is the only time we're going to make love?” She gathered Tabby's breast in her hand, her fingers slowly kneading her sensitive flesh, her lips caressing the soft skin of her shoulder. “This is only the beginning for us. All of us,” she continued, turning her head so she could meet Alan's eyes. He nodded his response, knowing he was making a solemn promise. “Are you

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