Death's Little Angels

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Book: Death's Little Angels by Sylver Belle Garcia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylver Belle Garcia
Tags: Zombie, zombie ebook
destination is the storm
shelter and to not alert the Eaters at all cost.” Drew turned to look at everyone.
    Everyone shook their heads in agreement.
    “ The good thing is
the Eaters move
slow kind of like they are uncoordinated. However, they are deadly
in groups and once they get a hold of you, it’s best to pray
someone else is around to help you out if you are surrounded,”
Beetle said.
    “ Who wants a Sock-a-bat
and the scissors? We only have two each.” Drew held up the make
shift weapons.
    Sue Ellen and Mater took the Sock-a-bats.
Beetle and Billy took the scissors. The group, led by Drew, started
for the door. He turned around not really wanting to find out what
was beyond it.
    “ You are the leader. Go,”
Sue Ellen pushed at Drew. Drew turned around and frowned at Sue
Ellen. “Will you stop already?”
    “ How about we say a silent
prayer for about thirty seconds?” Tarynn asked with her lips
quivering. The group nodded their heads and prayed.
    “ Hey! Look what I have,”
Cookie happily said walking back towards the group. She held a big
jar of Vaseline in her hands.
    “ Prayer works,” Drew
mumbled as he watched Cookie approach the group.
    “ Um… Cookie why do you
have that?” Mater asked wearily.
    “ Girl, you didn’t know? I
was supposed to fight Jose—“ Cookie stopped as she looked at
Josefina’s lifeless body sprawled across the desk. “I mean Vaseline
is good for when you get in fights. It makes you slippery so the
other person can’t grab you.” Cookie slumped her head and dropped
her shoulders.
    Drew touched Cookie. “Well, at least this
Vaseline will be put to some use for a good purpose… and that is to
stay alive.”
    Drew passed the Vaseline around as they all
smothered themselves like they were lathering up with soap. Karley
immediately put up her hands waving off the application of
Vaseline. She hid behind Sue Ellen as the group continued to apply
the lubricant. Some of the students led by Royal looked on while
others laughed at the sight of Drew and his friends soaking
themselves in oil.
    “ We all stick together no
matter what, right?” Drew said making eye contact with each of
them. They all nodded their heads in unison.
    Definitely, we are stronger in numbers,”
Beetle added.
    “ Please don’t forget
Marley, Drew. We have to stop on the sixth grade hall on our way to
the storm shelter,” Mater whimpered. She blinked her big brown soft
    “ I won’t forget, Marley…”
Drew promised. He thought of his own sisters and hoped that he
would be reunited with them soon. “Anybody else besides Mater have
someone we need to search for? I don’t want anyone left out.” No
one spoke up but it seemed as if each kid swallowed lumps in their
throat that struggled to go down.
    Drew started towards the door with Sue Ellen
and Mater close on his heels. Tarynn grabbed Karley’s hand and
smiled faintly. She clutched her bible in the other hand. Cookie
followed closely behind with Billy and Beetle securing the end.
Drew walked past Royal and shook his head. He knew that Royal and
his goons were spoiled, rich kids but how could someone be so
nonchalant about the world coming to an end?
    Drew placed his hands slowly on the door
knob and opened the door. He carefully stuck his head out the
doorway peering into the wide hallway. Once the door was opened,
Drew was instantly met with the smell of strong copper and body
waste. The sight alone caused him to jerk his entire body back into
the classroom. He closed his eyes and fell back onto the wall near
the door. Drew brought his hands to his mouth like he was going to
    “ What is it?” Sue Ellen
    “ Drew?” Matter added
quietly. Drew reopened his eyes.
    “ I don’t think we should
go out there,” Drew wearily whispered. He felt as if his knees
would buckle and give away at any minute.
    “ What do you mean?” Billy
asked. “You should’ve seen what we just came through before y’all
let us

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