Death's Little Angels

Free Death's Little Angels by Sylver Belle Garcia

Book: Death's Little Angels by Sylver Belle Garcia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylver Belle Garcia
Tags: Zombie, zombie ebook
matter what,” Drew said. Marley was also like
Drew’s little sister. She often came over and played with his
sisters. He did not plan on leaving her behind.
    “ Not leaving me here,”
Beetle said taking his glasses off to clean them.
    “ Aye, man…. I’m rollin
with you too. Hopefully y’all can keep up,” Billy Duncan nervously
said as he looked around the classroom. He already had recruiters
scouting him in the eighth grade for college scholarships in track
and field.
    “ Hey brutha man, you are
going to leave us hanging like that?” Royal gave Billy a look
of why are you betraying
us . He considered Billy an elite member of
their clique even though he was a track star and not on the
football team.
    “ Look dog, you are not my
brother and right now after what I just seen…. It’s all about
surviving until I can get home to my momma and brother. That’s all
I am focused on right now point blank.” Billy hit his
    Royal narrowed his eyes.
    “ Let him go,” Kaleb
whispered to Royal, “We don’t need him anyway.”
    “ The good Lord, moves me
to come with you,” Tarynn said clenching her bible firmly to her
side. She walked up to Drew and the others.
    “ Count me in. I ain’t
stayin here with these rich folks,” Cookie said as she slowly moved
towards Drew. She casted a nervous glance at Josefina’s stilled
body sprawled over the desk. Moments earlier they were ready to
fight each other.
    “ We aren’t going to do
anything to you, girl,” Kaleb said with a sneer.
    “ Wonder where you learned
to use weapons like that stick from? Hmm…. let me guess you’re a
sicko!” Cookie snapped at Kaleb.
    “ Hey, Hey… just ignore
him. We are about to leave anyway,” Drew quickly said. He turned to
look at the rest of the students. “Anybody else?”
    Karley slowly walked towards Drew and the
small group.
    “ I am coming,” she meekly
said. Karley pushed back a thin strand of hair behind her ears and
continued to look down.
    Royal and Kaleb busted out into laughter.
Steven joined in shaking his head.
    “ Good luck bean pole!
Don’t fly away in the wind out there,” Royal said beside himself
with laughter as he watched Karley walk towards Drew.
    More Eaters congregated at the window and
started beating on it with partial limbs, mangle heads, or whatever
they had remaining of their body. Some of the Eaters did not have hands or arms
and use their heads like hammers to beat against the windowpane. It
amazed Drew to see that these Eaters were his former classmates
and peers. He felt he could have been in that position, not knowing
the day Hurricane Angel was projected to hit the Gulf Coast that
his school would be riddled with flesh eating zombies. He knew that
his sisters and Mee-maw would be safe because of the basement his
Paw-paw built years before he died as an escape route from
hurricanes and tornadoes. He silently thanked the Lord for letting
him survive so far.
    Drew huddled the group of
students together who decided to make that fateful run with him to
the west end of the school. He frowned at Royal and was glad to be
leaving out of the company of him and his goons. Drew realized
their chances were slim to none and knew there was a possibility
that most of them would not make it. He looked at the classroom
window, which was now filled with thirty plus Eaters and figured he would die
trying. Then the windowpane cracked….

Chapter 5
    Drew Jacks ran down the hall
    Drew Jacks had a devastating fall
    All of the students and all of their
    With one bite said the world has met its

    Drew shot a grave look
towards the classroom windows. The Eaters knew they were in there. It
was only a matter of minutes before the windows would cave in from
death’s hunger. Drew noticed Royal and Kaleb congregating with the
rest of the students who decided to follow them. Steven leaned into
the window and antagonized the Eaters fascinated by their hoarse
moaning and missing limbs.
    “ Hey

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