
Free Healed by J. S. Cooper

Book: Healed by J. S. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. S. Cooper
onto my back. This time it is his turn to kiss me and I felt his lips all over my face and neck. I closed my eyes and clutched the sheets as I felt his lips on my breasts. Then he started nibbling on my peaks with his teeth and I groaned. I heard his laughter as he continued kissing down my stomach to the top of my pants. Only he’s braver than I and I felt him unzip my pants and then he pulled them down. I was lying on his bed, almost naked, and all I could think about was, why did I wait so long for this to happen? My body felt like it was fire and I felt a deep, wanton urge awaken inside of me. I wanted to make love to Luke. I wanted him to make love to me and devour me. And I wanted us to merge our bodies together so that no one could ever part us.
    I finally open ed my eyes and looked up to see Luke pulling down his boxer trunks. I looked away, quickly, not wanting to be caught staring at his manhood. I quickly looked back to take a look. I can’t not look at his magnificent body. He caught me staring at him and grinned, before crawling back onto the bed to join me. His member brushed across my leg and I gasped.
    “Don’t you want me to be naked as well?” I whisper ed.
    “ If that’s what you want.”
    “Of course I want.” I smile d. “Do you have protection?”
    “Yes.” He grinned and I noticed that he had some packets in his hand. “They were in my wallet.”
    “I’m not even going to ask why.”
    “Okay.” He just stood there; so I pulled him down to join me on the bed.
    “What are you waiting on , Luke?” I whispered in his ear and he started to tickle me. We rolled around on the bed and I suddenly realized that he was on top of me, his pelvic bone was crushed into me, and his manhood was pressed up against my most intimate of places. I then realized that I don’t want to wait any longer. I need to feel all of him.
    He seemed to sense what I was feeling , because, before I knew it, he had pulled my underwear down with his teeth and he grabbed the packet next to the bed and ripped it open. I watched as he slid it on quickly and smoothly and then I felt him inside of me and I felt like I had somehow died and gone to heaven. It was the most exquisite and sweetest feeling I’ve ever felt in my life and I felt like every nerve end in my body was celebrating our union.
    I he ld onto him tightly and I heard voices groaning and moaning. I felt bodies writhing and moving. And it felt like an out of body experience. I felt like I was floating on air. Everything about our lovemaking was magical and I was the recipient of the most intense pleasure in the world. And then I got to the top of the rollercoaster and I was falling, screaming, crying out in excitement and pleasure. I felt Luke’s lips on mine, kissing me urgently and, as he collapsed onto me, heaving and grunting, I held him close and smiled.
    I’d been in Luke’s bed many, many times, but never had we had an experience like this. This was an experience I could have once in my life and be satisfied forever. This was what making love was all about. For a fleeting moment, I thought about my experience with Bryce and I felt a pang of shame and distress. My union with Bryce had been nothing like this. I had given my virginity to him and the experience had meant nothing. I wanted to feel sorry for myself but I didn’t. In a way, I was thankful that I had had that experience, so I could appreciate even more what it was like to make love to a man I truly loved as opposed to a man I had lusted after. But still I felt guilty.
    I knew that Bryce was heartbroken over his mother’s death and that he felt bad over cheating on me. I knew internally that that was his bad, but I still felt like I should have spoken to him before I came to Luke’s.
    “Are you okay, Lexi?” Luke looked at me with concern. “Did I hurt you?”
    “I’m fine , my love.” I kissed him and smiled. “That was amazing.”
    “I thought so as well.” He grinned. “And to

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