Blackwing Dragon (Harper's Mountains 5)
beneath her. They were both shaking like leaves, and she didn’t know what to do now. Pull away? Maybe he didn’t like this. Maybe this wasn’t what he wanted.
    Rowan softened her lips and eased back with a quiet smack. Kane’s eyes were wide and so intense, as though she’d shocked him. Maybe he hadn’t closed them during their kiss. His chest heaved with his breathing.
    She’d just kissed the last Blackwing Dragon, and she should be terrified being this close to him. But instead, she felt safe. She felt happy, and deep inside, Dragon was practically purring.
    Kane wasn’t reacting, though. He wasn’t blinking, and now a soft rumble was working its way through his body. With a baffled expression, he dipped his eyes to his chest. He drew a harsh breath, and the noise stopped. “What was that?” he asked in a ragged whisper.
    His question hurt. “A kiss. I’m not very good at them. It’s been a long time—”
    “No, I mean…what was that noise?”
    Rowan frowned. “That’s your dragon, silly.”
    A loaded second passed, his eyes blazing and locked on hers, and then his lips crashed onto hers. He pushed and rolled her on her back, gripped her neck as his lips worked against hers. God, the man could kiss. He knocked the rust off her in three seconds flat, and then she was with him, kissing him back, making soft smacking sounds, making soft helpless sounds as her body lit on fire. And when he pushed his tongue past her lips, she was gone. Kane’s body was graceful against hers, grinding once against her side before she turned toward him. Draping her leg over his hip, she gave him access, and he used it. He settled perfectly between her thighs and rocked his erection against her. Fucking shorts.
    “I’m on birth control,” she whispered, fumbling with her buttons.
    Kane shoved her hand out of the way, slid his hand down the front of her pants, and ooooh . She rolled her hips to meet his touch. When Kane cupped her, slid his finger through her wetness, the feral sound was back in his throat. Sexy dragon. She’d never been with a man like this. One who she wasn’t afraid of hurting. One who she could be herself with. He wasn’t grossed out by her glowing eyes. Every time he pulled away far enough to meet her gaze, his expression became more determined, and it made her feel beautiful and sexy.
    He'd found her clit, was working it gently while he swallowed her moans.
    “Kane, please,” she begged against his lips.
    “Please what?” he growled.
    Kane slid two fingers inside of her, stretching her with pleasure. God, this was too much. She was already close. So close, but she wanted more. Needed to touch him while she finished. Needed to bite him. Stop it, Dragon.
    Rowan ran her fingertips down his chest, down his abs, down to the waist of his briefs and slid her hand into the band. His dick was thick and hard, swollen and ready for her. She eased out of the kiss just so she could watch his eyes roll back in his head when she gripped him. Kane didn’t disappoint. How were his eyes so light? So bright? She drew a long stroke of him, and then another, and reveled in the fact that he was bucking against her now, their bodies crashing against each other like waves.
    Rowan cried out as release exploded through her body, pulsing around his fingers. Kane was thrusting into her grip so hard now, so fast, like he was close, too. So damn sexy, but she wanted more. She wanted another orgasm, but better. She wanted him inside of her more than she’d wanted anything in her life. Rowan shoved her shorts down her hips in desperation, and Kane was there, on top of her, cradled between her legs, briefs shoved down his hips, his erection so long, poised at her entrance, and all he had to do was slide into her and end her agony.
    But he stilled, arms locked on either side of her face, his triceps bulging, his eyes blazing like green fire, his black hair draped in front of his face, the swollen head of his cock

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