Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2

Free Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2 by L.K. Lewis

Book: Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2 by L.K. Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.K. Lewis
was killing me how sad she
looked, so I made up an email address for you and gave it to her. I told her I
still had it on file from when you played on the league here and that you never
even checked it, so not to expect anything back from you.”
    “Good idea, but what good is a made up email account for
    “I set it up for you, Drake. It’s active now. She can write
to you without the emails getting bounced back to her so she can still have
hope that you are out there somewhere. Plus, you can read what she writes to
you, and know she is missing you just as much as you miss her. You can stay
connected to each other without having any true communication. Morgan isn’t
expecting a reply from you, so even if for some crazy reason your father has
some techie genius find out about the emails from her, he’ll also see that you
didn’t respond. You’re not breaking the rules here, Drake, only bending them.”
    “That’s true I guess. Thanks for setting that up, man, and
for helping my girl out. I really appreciate it.”
    “Any time, Drake, you’d do the same for me. I’ll text you
the email address and password so you can save it in your phone.”
    “Cool. Hey, I have Amanda’s number if you want to give her a
call. She’s a good girl, Garrett,” Drake says.
    “Thanks, but I’ve got it covered. The little minx slipped
her card into her bowling shoe before handing it back to me. I’m going to give
her a call now. I’ll talk to you later, man,” I say before ending the call. I
know you are supposed to wait for two days or some stupid shit like that, but
Amanda’s a cutie. There is no way I’m going to wait around to call her and give
some other asshole the chance to meet her and call before I do.

    Giving Morgan an email address for me was a pretty brilliant
move by Garrett, but as I sit here trying to absorb everything that Morgan
wrote to me, I almost wish I didn’t know just how much she’s hurting. I can’t
even believe my dad would lie and tell her that I was fired. On second thought,
yes I can. He didn’t want to put any thoughts that we could still be together
into her head. And the bullshit about me being off licking my wounds was horse
shit. Even though she doesn’t believe I would do it to her, the seed is still
planted in her mind that I’m off with someone else while she is home without
    I’m not too thrilled to hear Adrian lied to her as well. Of
course he would say he had nothing to do with it. Morgan mentioned to me that
he still has feelings for her after all these years. He’s probably using my
absence to get close to her again. I know she loves me, but the fact that I’m
not there, coupled with Morgan and Adrian spending so much time together now
that she’s working for him, does not make me a happy man. I know Morgan is
waiting for me to come back to her, and I hope she can stick it out, but it’s only
a matter of time before some other guy reminds her what a real relationship can
be like. Especially when he’s actually there in the flesh.
    I’m so tempted to write her back. Even if it’s just a blank
email or other small sign that I received her email and I’m still here for her.
I learned my lesson last time, though. Thinking I could fly under the radar and
not get caught came back to bite me in the ass big time. As much as it kills
me, I’ll have to stay strong.

    As expected, Drake hasn’t replied to the email I sent
Friday. It’s been two agonizing days without a response. I must have checked my
email for a reply at least a dozen times…..per hour. I’ve agreed to let my
mother take me shopping today after our usual Sunday brunch date. I’ve been
feeling really tired lately so I’m not exactly up for a full day of shopping,
but I know outfitting me with yet another new work wardrobe is my mom’s way of
supporting my choice in having a career, so I’m going with it.
    “Darling!” My mother stands with her arms

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