Baby Momma 2

Free Baby Momma 2 by Ni’chelle Genovese

Book: Baby Momma 2 by Ni’chelle Genovese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ni’chelle Genovese
point in time I thought this was the life I wanted. To have someone just take care of me and just give. She gave me clothes, gave me money. Michelle gave me everything I had. I realized now that the problem with someone doing all the damn giving is that at any moment they could take it all back. I needed to do something, and I needed to do it fast. If our marriage wasn’t legal in Florida and she wanted me gone or if I decided I wanted to leave.
    The thought of me putting up with so much and walking away with absolutely nothing made my stomach twist into knots. The main reason Michelle even had the nerve to have half of what she had was because of me and did she ever truly show me any appreciation? Fuck no. I helped pull her up from her knees and now she wanted to just walk away. We only had one solid rule between the two of us and to this day as far as I knew neither of us had ever broken it. We’d both sworn to never lock our phones and to respect each other’s privacy by not going through each other’s shit. Pacing in the garage, I couldn’t help feeling like a caged animal. Like one of those damn dwarf leopards I’d seen in Trey’s zoo magazines. Yup, my ass was a damn endangered ocelot and my habitat, my cubs, and everything else was on the verge of being wiped out if I didn’t start fighting. My lifestyle, my way of living, was in jeopardy and so was Lataya’s. My mind was made up.

    I waited until Michelle’s ass was at work before I called her, and I prayed that this bitch would actually be cool and not turn around and tell Michelle about our conversation.
    â€œLarissa? Who? Oh, oh I remember your ass. Little Jackie Chan.” She sounded like her ass was half asleep when she’d answered the phone.
    â€œOh yeah, ’bout that. I’m so sorry I was hammered. I hope you can forgive me.”
    â€œIt is fine. We’ve all been there. No harm, no foul. What is it you’re wanting?” She yawned loud as hell in my ear. Well, damn, she sure isn’t the sugar-coatin’ type.
    â€œSo um, Lania, I heard you be on some shit, an’ I need to earn some extra money. Fast.” I hadn’t slept one bit all damn night thinking about what I would say, and was nervous as fuck about finally callin’ her, but decided to go ahead an’ go through with it.
    â€œAnd what exactly is this you think you have heard?”
    Well, shit, here goes nothin’, I thought. Either I’d heard wrong or I’d heard right.
    â€œI want to be an escort, no sex though. Just go on a few dates, look pretty or whatever, an’ then bring my ass home. That’s it. I heard you could set that up.” I held my breath.
    â€œAhhh. I see, and what does your wife say about this?”
    â€œShe don’t know and ain’t never gonna know.”
    â€œOkay. As far as you know I am the alpha, I am the queen of this shit. You want to run with the wolves—you must earn your place in the pack. You’re new so no, you won’t get first pick or top choice. You have to work your way up.”
    â€œSo what does that mean, what do I need to do?”
    â€œYou won’t make as much, the girls who make the most do . . . how should I say . . . . um, favors, but you aren’t bad looking so I can work with you. Fix yourself up, text me a picture, full body. I have a client who needs a girl for an event tonight at ten. If you are up to standard, a car will pick you up and drop you off when it’s over. One of my men will follow you all evening.”
    â€œSo when you say ‘special favors,’ you mean what?” My hands were gettin’ sweaty at the excitement an’ possibility of doing something new, dangerous.
    â€œI mean, I pay you to go on a date, they’ll offer you extra for extra shit. I warn you now, sometimes clients can get a bit testy, especially if they drink or do too much drugs. Don’t drink

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