
Free WidowsWalk by Genevieve Ash

Book: WidowsWalk by Genevieve Ash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Genevieve Ash
    Tom was usually not at a loss for words and Lindy found his
vulnerability refreshing.
    “Done what?” She laughed.
    “Invited a woman to stay with me.”
    “Oh, you normally love ’em and leave ’em, huh?”
    The look of pain in Tom’s eyes didn’t really seem like hurt.
Lindy thought it was something more.
    “I am sorry, Tom. I didn’t mean—gosh I am making a mess of
    “Will you quit apologizing? I suppose I have given you every
reason to believe that. I am—complicated.”
    Lindy couldn’t believe that a man was admitting this to her.
She wanted to think he was a dog like all the others. It made it easier when
the inevitable heartache paid a visit. But she needed to at least give him a
    “Well, Tom, so am I. I guess we have more in common than we
    “How was your flight?”
    “Uneventful, thanks.” He squinted in the sunshine, but Lindy
could tell he was staring at the generous mound of cleavage pouring out of the
top of her dress. Her nipples were instantly hard and peeked out from the thin
    “Cold, Lindy?” he asked, his tongue tracing his bottom lip.
    “No, fine, thank you.” Lindy crossed her legs and swung the
top one nervously. She could feel the excitement building within her and
suddenly she was hungry for more than lunch.
    As if on cue the waiter brought the plates of tapas to the
table and the aroma of food made her rethink her priorities. Sharing the
assorted choices and the wine, they relaxed into an easy conversation. They
talked about her novel and the repairs on his boat, the weather and what they
might see while she was here.
    The undercurrent of desire held a steady pull on both of them
as they pretended to be content. Lindy insisted on paying the check—it was the
least she could do since Tom had arranged and paid for her flight and she
assumed she’d be sharing his hotel room as well.
    She knew Tom was uncomfortable but she slid it to the waiter
when he wasn’t looking. She had always paid her own way and now would be no
different. She didn’t need someone to take care of her—she just wanted someone
to love her and let her return that love. Not just someone but Tom.
    “Come, love.” He rose and stretched out his hand. Lindy
couldn’t help but giggle as she realized his words might be enough to actually
make it happen.
    He drove to the small, quaint hotel in silence. It was in
the older part of the city and embodied the feel of the island. The terra cotta
walls were broken by dark woodwork and the wooden stairs creaked noisily as she
followed behind Tom and her luggage.
    He turned the brass key in the lock and motioned for Lindy
to go in ahead of him. She hesitated briefly before plunging headfirst into
unsure territory. The room was dark, the shades drawn to keep out the afternoon
sun. A quiet darkness filled the space. The antique bed rose high off the floor,
covered with a soft, faded quilt. The wine had made her sleepy and she longed
to crawl between the cool sheets.
    “Good Lord, woman, what did you pack?” Tom asked as he
dropped her heavy bags.
    “Always be prepared, that’s my motto.”
    “Prepared for what—a nuclear holocaust?”
    “Very funny. Quit complaining. You, my dear Tom, will be
lucky recipient of my style show.” She thumped her finger against his chest
    “Oh. I hope you brought some naughty things?”
    “You will just have to wait and see.”
    Tom reached out and cupped her breast, giving it a squeeze. “I
can’t wait.” He looked at her intently.
    “Tom, I need a shower. I am hot and dirty.”
    “Just how I like you.”
    Lindy kissed him, letting her tongue slip inside his mouth
briefly before heading for the bathroom and closing the door. She stepped into
the tepid water and let it cool her body and her libido.
    Okay, girl, get a grip. You can do this. Just because he
is experienced doesn’t mean you can’t seduce him. He did invite you, didn’t he?
    Lindy stepped under the

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