Blake, Abby - Maya's Masters [Viper's Dungeon 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Blake, Abby - Maya's Masters [Viper's Dungeon 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Abby Blake

Book: Blake, Abby - Maya's Masters [Viper's Dungeon 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Abby Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Blake
is your safe word, sub?”
    “Red, Sir.” It wasn’t very imaginative, but it was the standard word at Viper’s Dungeon and about the only word to come to mind.
    “I see you read all of the paperwork. I’m very pleased, sub. If you wish you can also use ‘yellow’ to slow things down.” He placed her on her feet at the end of her own bed. “Red will stop everything and we’ll loosen your bonds immediately. Yellow we will stop and talk. Is that clear, sub?”
    Bonds? Her heart rate sped up even more as she glanced at her bed and discovered a number of leather items that hadn’t been there before.
    “Is that clear, sub?” Derek asked lifting her face with a strong grip on her jaw.
    “Y–Yes, Sir.”
    “Do you want to use your safe word, sugar?” She jumped at Cam’s words, having almost missed the fact that the man was in the room.
    “No, Sir,” she said with a soft smile. It didn’t matter how intense things got. Both of these men would protect her.
    Cam stepped closer, threaded his hand through her hair, and tightened his grip. She gasped at the slight sting, and he took the opportunity to press his tongue into her mouth. He explored her ruthlessly, his kiss showing her in no uncertain terms that she was definitely not the one in charge. She panted as he pulled away, and he studied her face for a moment. He must have found what he sought because he smiled, pressed a soft kiss to her lips, and said, “You and I are going to learn how to spank your ass together. You up for it, sugar?”
    “Yes, Sir.”

Chapter Four

    Cam tried to tamp down his incredible arousal. Mere days ago he had no idea what the appeal was, yet now he couldn’t wait to leave his handprint on Maya’s soft flesh. His cock was pressed so hard up against the zipper of his jeans he was starting to rethink his old SEAL habit of going commando. At this rate he’d have a permanent mark for each individual indent. Trying to distract himself, Cam glanced around the room.
    Derek had brought in one of the old-fashioned wooden chairs from the back room of Maya’s restaurant. It was solid, well built, and in the intimate setting of Maya’s upscale dining area very classy. But in her bedroom it looked exactly what Derek intended for it to be—a place for them to sit when they spanked their sub.
    Cam tried to control his own moan as he sat down, but the humorous glint in Maya’s eyes had him smiling instead.
    “Is our sub being a brat, Master Cameron?”
    “I believe that’s the term I would use,” he said as Derek threaded his fingers through Maya’s hair and held her still. Maya made a small sound, but it was one of surprise—perhaps at her own reaction to the situation—and not of fear.
    “I suggest that we double the count of her spanking, Master Cameron.”
    Cam nodded, trying hard not to smile at Maya’s trepidation. He and Derek hadn’t discussed an exact number, so it was kind of hard to double something they hadn’t yet decided upon. Of course, Maya didn’t need to know that.
    “I agree, Master Derek,” Cam said, trying to keep a straight face. He’d heard the Doms speaking to each other that way at the club. It felt a little ridiculous, but the effect it was having on Maya was quite obvious. Her nipples were hard points pressing through the material of both her blouse and her bra. She wriggled slightly in Derek’s hold, but it was more of a sensuous impatience rather than a need to escape. And her eyes had grown darker, much darker, deepening their clear sapphire color to a dark cobalt blue.
    “Take off your clothes, sub.” Derek’s voice was deep and commanding, and Maya’s eyes widened a bit more. She hesitated, and Cam’s heart leapt into his throat. Surely they hadn’t misread her so badly. She was into this. He was sure of it.
    “Do as he says, or use your safe word, sugar.” Cam nearly held his breath waiting for Maya’s response. A part of him was terrified that she was about to call this whole thing

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