I Married An Alien

Free I Married An Alien by Emma Daniels, Ethan Somerville

Book: I Married An Alien by Emma Daniels, Ethan Somerville Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Daniels, Ethan Somerville
that he even had trouble speaking, and thought that I was probably right.
    A down of soft blonde curls surrounded that massive member, several shades darker than the lush waves growing from his head. He had none on his chest, and his arms also appeared to be relatively hairless. I supposed that was another difference between Earth and Terron men. My mother had harbored an almost unnatural aversion to body hair, and hated it when my father didn’t shave every morning and night.
    Tentatively I slid my hand up into that nest of hair, finding it warm and soft. Then before I lost my nerve completely I slid my fingers around his shaft, not surprised to find I could barely reach around it. It jerked against my palm, and my eyes shot up to his face, but he was still out for the count, the reaction clearly an involuntary one.
    I became conscious of how utterly soft the skin sheathing that hard, unyielding rod was. It felt like velvet. I slid my hand upwards, now quite fascinated by the way he unconsciously responded to my touch, twitching hotly against my fingers.
    Before I completely lost my nerve, I hitched up my skirt and climbed onto the bed beside him. When I had the garment hiked up around my middle, I straddled him, and positioned myself over his phallus.
    As I felt it brush against the sensitive skin of my nether regions, I experienced another surge of heat coiling around my belly and hips. God, I felt so wanton, so unlike myself, and wondered if perhaps hormones were responsible for my actions, or the fact that I now inhabited such a beautiful young body. There was no way the Ruth Clarke of old would have dared try something like this with a half-naked comatose man, no matter how damn good he looked.
    Since I’d had some experience with tampons and pap tests, I had no trouble easing him to where he had to go, but a sliver of fear managed to infiltrate as I felt the hard tip of him nudge against my opening. I was certain it was going to hurt like hell.
    Suddenly I felt myself drop forward, as Jordan surged up in front of me, growling loudly.
    “ Not like that. It will never work like that,” he cursed, his silver-blue eyes flashing with a strange mixture of ire and something else I couldn’t place.
    I ended up in his lap as his arms came around me. He stared at me and shook his head. I could still feel his erection pressing hotly against the apex of my thighs, and once again it sent a surge of pleasure through me.
    Now that his face was so close to mine I caught his scent, a mixture of something sweet yet powerful, something that wafted seductively over me, and I inhaled, filling my nostrils with it, feeling myself relax into his arms, my head coming to rest against his shoulder.
    As Jordan glanced down at the small woman in his arms, he realized the Aging hadn’t taken hold of him yet. His body still looked the same, and for a moment he dared to hope he still had enough time to curb its effects.
    But what amazed him the most was Anita’s selfless attempt to save him. It filled him with such warmth and tenderness all he could do was hold her small soft body against his.
    Jordan knew as well as the next man how Earth females felt about his race because of The Treaty, despite the fact that most who ended up mated found peace with their partners in the end. Perhaps it wouldn’t require quite so much from him to pleasure her enough to accommodate him for their first time together.
    But suddenly he wanted to please her. Jordan longed to make her moan and writhe in delight. He could tell their connection was already working its magic on her, since she’d relaxed in his arms, and he inhaled the scent of her, that beautiful floral aroma that had drawn him to her in the first place, marking her as his mate. He had heard it described, but never knew it would be so potent.
    Jordan continued to cradle her against him with one hand, and trailed the fingertips of his other hand up her spine and over her shoulder, to her chin,

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