Undone by the Star

Free Undone by the Star by Stephanie Browning

Book: Undone by the Star by Stephanie Browning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Browning
of thing.” He was watching her carefully as he spoke.
    “And do I want to continue the practice?” Alex answered slowly.
    Cyril nodded. “Precisely.”
    Why did she have a sinking feeling that Cyril thought he was treading on thin ice? It wasn’t as though he hadn’t done this before; everybody knew Grannie’s version of the internet was to have a vast network reporting directly to her. It was one of the reasons The Sadler ran so smoothly.
    Which meant her relationship with Marc Daniels, as short-lived as it had been, was old news. They would know he had been at the hospital…that he had sent flowers to her grandmother…and it would not surprise her if they knew about the kiss he and Alex had shared in the mews. Remembering the depth of their embrace, Alex felt her pulse beat faster. She forced herself to relax. “I’d hate to be the last to know,” she managed.
    “Mr. Daniels is checking out,” Cyril blurted. “He called down for his bill not fifteen minutes ago.”
    Alex’s heart plunged. She shouldn’t have been surprised. Not after the way she and Marc had parted the night before.
    “I’m sure it has nothing to do with the hotel, Cyril.” she said, vaguely pleased that there was not a tremor to be heard in her voice. “It’s my understanding that Mr. Daniels has been looking for flats in the area.”
    She got to her feet, as did Cyril.
    “Did he say when he was checking out?” she asked.
    Cyril shook his head. “But he did ask for a car at two o’clock.”
    Alex checked her watch. It was nearly noon. There was no way a VIP like Marc Daniels was leaving the hotel without an official farewell no matter how painful. “Have the bill sent to me, and I’ll take it from there.”
    “Actually,” said Cyril removing an envelope from inside his jacket. “I took the liberty of bringing it with me.”
    He passed it over, gave her a nod that was dangerously close to a bow, and then he was gone.
    Alex groped for the chair behind her.
    Her worlds were about to collide…again.
    Marc was on his way to the bedroom when he thought he heard a knock. Ten to one it was Cyril either delivering his bill or wanting to offer assistance. Marc sighed. He was tempted to ignore the summons; Cyril could easily slide the paperwork under his door, but the assistant manager had gone out of his way to be helpful. Marc padded back across the room.
    It wasn’t Cyril.
    Her suit was midnight blue. It might have been made for the boardroom, but it fit her curves like a glove. Marc felt his mouth go dry.
    “Miss Kirkwood.”
    “Mr. Daniels.” Her eyes dropped to the towel at his waist. “Trying out for a new part?”
    Marc heard the elevator ping in the distance. “You’d better come in.” He stepped back to let her pass, feeling the soft swish of her hair as she brushed by. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
    She walked to the middle of the room and turned to face him.
    “I’m glad to hear it.” Her gaze swept up his bare chest, and a twinkle lurked briefly in her eyes. “We don’t encourage that kind of behaviour at The Sadler.”
    “You certainly made that clear last night.”
    The half-smile faded and Alex had the good grace to look away. Soft colour blushed her neck and cheeks.
    “Wait here,” said Marc. “While I put some clothes on….” Damn the woman. As soon as he reached the bedroom, he whipped off the towel, grabbed a pair of jeans from his case and then tugged a t-shirt over his head. He tried to remind himself just how angry he was with Miss Alexis Kirkwood, but the trouble was, he found her fascinating.
    Her humour, her sarcasm, her stubborn streak, and her strength. And the feel of her whenever he held her close.
    Marc paused in the doorway.
    There was an envelope in her hand he hadn’t noticed earlier.
    The last of his bad temper drained away. When Jeremy had relayed the news that Alex had been pushed into the CEO position by her grandmother’s fall, Marc had thought only about how it would

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