Wilde Velvet

Free Wilde Velvet by Deila Longford

Book: Wilde Velvet by Deila Longford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deila Longford
the moon that they are finally going to make it official.
    “That’s awesome news. I’m so happy for you.”   I gush. My mom laughs down the phone. Then she turns the attention around to me.
    “So tell me about your news sweetie. Are you okay?”
    “ Yeah I’m fine. I got singed. I have an eight week trial with a massive record label. It’s really exciting.”
    “That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you. Give me all the details.” I smile at my mom’s reaction and I explain about Mr Phillips. I am careful not to mention Mr Gucci. I know that my mom would advise me to stay away from him. She has been through so much with me in the past. I am scared that if I tell my mom about him, that she will see right through me. She will guess that something’s going on between us. She knows me too well. My mom was sad when I left Dallas, but she knew that it was for the best. She wanted me to get away from Brandon and all the drama that went along with him. I have made her proud of me for the way I have turned my life around. I don’t want her to think that I am returning to my old ways. “That’s just amazing. And you have a wonderful new apartment now. And I bet you have a load of advisers and really cool music people to guide you?” Crap my mom is on a fishing trip.
    “Yeah the apartment is great. I’m gonna miss living with Sydney though. She is such a good friend. I haven’t really met any cool people yet. Well except for Mr Phillips of course. My music producer is … nice … I guess.”
    “Yeah, he’s very …” How can I describe him? I close my eyes and there he is. With his dark hair, immaculate and his brown eyes glossy and playful. His smile is wicked and that line, oh my. His lips, our kiss and the scent of his strong cologne are flooding my mind. Wake up Ashley! “He’s very talented. I have heard that he is the best in the business. I’m excited about working with him.”
    “Him?” My mom asks. I can just picture her expression. I bet she is raising her dark eyebrow in disapproval. I clear my throat as I prepare to answer her prying question.
    “Yeah, my music producer is a guy.”
    “Hmm.” Another disapproving tone, I don’t like the sound of this.
    “Go on, I know that you wanna say something.” I say in a joking tone. My heart starts to race. I gave her the green light to scold me, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not scared and dreading hearing my mom’s, no doubt, harsh words.
    “Sweetie, you moved to THAT city to follow your dreams. I’m so proud of you for how you turned your life around. Please don’t let all your hard work be for nothing.”
    “Mom, I have changed. I’m not the girl that I used to be. Mr Wilde is just my music producer. I’m not looking for love. And anyway he and I would never work. He is just so … annoying. He makes my temper rise and my head ache just with one look. Trust me, I’m not gonna go there.”
    “It sounds like you have given it some thought. Tell me something does he have black hair?”   I bite my lip as my heart starts to pound.
    “Yeah he has black hair. What does that have to do with anything?” My mom laughs at my remark.
    “You are a sucker for the tall, dark and handsome type. Let me guess he’s stunning, right?”  I need this conversation to be over. I can’t keep up the pretence. My mom is going to see right through me. I don’t want her to know that Mr Wilde gets under my skin. She will read more into the situation than is necessary. You have come too far Ashley; you will not go back to being the way you were.
    My mom and I talked for a little while longer. But to my relief, she dropped the conversation about Mr Wilde and I, instead she gushed about her wedding. I laughed as we discussed wedding dresses. I had to hold back my tears when she told me how Pete proposed. My mom works as a temp at one of the local hospitals. She came home from work and Pete had written the words will you marry me in red rose

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