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Book: IN THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS by Julie Bechtel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Bechtel
spoke. ‘I’m not sure if things will work out between us or not, but if they don’t I will call you.” She said staring at the phone number. Joe could tell by the look on her face that she would never call. That was inconceivable to him. There was no way that he was willing to take no for an answer. He was used to getting what he wanted when he wanted it. No one had ever told him no before and they were not going to star t doing it now. He stood there a moment thinking about it. Not seeing her again wasn’t an option. He then reached out and grabbed the paper back out of Ashley’s hand. When he did that he startled her. That wasn’t his intention. He tore a piece of paper off and dug the pen back at of his pocket. “I’m never going to hear from you again. I’m not willing to except that. Give me your phone number and I’ll call you.” He demanded. Ashley couldn’t believe how demanding he had become in a matter of minutes. At first it frightened her, but after thinking about it. She thought it was kind of flattering to have a man so emanate to see her again. She gave him her number and then went into her job before she was late. She knew that if she was Neil certainly wouldn’t be happy. Neil was the owner of the deli and a little cranky to say the least. He wasn’t always like that. It was only since the death of his wife of 50 years that his attitude had changed.
    Ashley could remember when she first started working there that Neil always had a smile on his face. He would joke around about everything. Now just to see him smile even a little was far and few between. She couldn’t help but notice how he seemed to have aged ten years since the death of his beloved Anna. His grey hair was now more silver than gray. He walked like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. A man that was once considered plump was now skin and bones. His blue eyes that once had a spark were now dull and lifeless.
    Life had extinguished the fire that had once burned so bright. All of the hopes and dreams that he had for the future died with Anna. Now he was nothing more than an image of a man that once was. That thought made Ashley want to cry.
    She entered the deli and made her way to the bathroom as quickly as she could. She knew that she only had a matter of minutes left to fix up her face before she was late. As she stood in front of the mirror applying the last of the cover up a smile came across her face. For the first time in her life she didn’t feel useless. She felt like someone had finally wanted her and she liked that feeling. She left the bathroom put on her apron and walked back behind the counter. Neil watched her like he never had before. He could tell there was something different about Ashley today. He knew what it was just by watching the way she seemed to be floating in the clouds rather than walking. He had been in love before so he knew it was a man that had brought Ashley to life.
    She stood behind the counter taking order after order as the sweat beaded up on her skin from the heat. She didn’t complain. Not one single time. Half way through her shift she could tell that the heat and being on his feet for that many hours had taken its toll on Neil. “I’m going to go and sit down for a bit. I aint as young as I used to be, you know.” Neil said as he shook his head and limped off to the nearest table. Things had finally slowed down to almost a crawl. Neil took that opportunity to call for Ashley. “Ashley Marie, come here a moment. I want to speak to you.” The first thought in her mind was that she had done something wrong. That was pretty much the only time that anyone noticed her at all, or at least that is how she saw it. She ignored the feeling and went over to set down by the old man.
    “I’ve been waiting here all day for a chance to talk to you. Honestly when I was younger people honestly sat down as a family in their home to eat their meals. I don’t know what has

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