Death in the Burren

Free Death in the Burren by John Kinsella

Book: Death in the Burren by John Kinsella Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Kinsella
still nearby, taking an obvious interest in his conversation with Curtis.
    “Just trust me John.” Curtis said with a knowing wink.
    “Could this have anything to do with your investigations?”
    Curtis wasn’t any more forthcoming. “Just trust me.” he repeated. “You could be a great help if you keep your eyes on them for me. I’m relying on you now.”
    And having said that he departed abruptly leaving McAllister totally baffled. It was however a state of mind to which he was becoming more accustomed as his time in the Burren went on.
    “I couldn’t avoid hearing that.” O’Lochlen was standing beside him again. “Was he linking those Frenchmen to the murder investigation?”
    “It sounded like it, but I really have no idea what’s in Con’s mind. If you ask me to be objective about it I would have to say he was showing signs of senility.”
    O’Lochlen laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far, but he certainly seems to have left you with a ridiculous task.”
    “Well I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. After all he is a senior Garda and has plenty of men at his disposal for surveillance work. I have enough concerns at the moment without regarding my course members as murderers.”
    “Maybe I could be of some help.” O’Lochlen went on. “I was thinking of stopping by Poll Salach in the morning to meet up with your party and if I now make a point of doing so I’ll be able to take a particular interest in your French artists for you. For a while at least.”
    McAllister was surprised. “You must know Poll Salach like the back of your hand, Andy. There’s very little I could point out to you that you haven’t seen already down there.”
    “Well you’ve renewed my interest in the natural beauties of this area tonight and maybe I’ll see sea lavender, orchids and mayweed in an entirely new light from now on. What do you think, Jack?”
    “It’s up to you.” Drawled the stocky Scot. “Go along if you think it would be of use to McAllister here, now that he’s doing undercover work for the Gardaí.”
    O’Lochlen laughed again, but McAllister wasn’t sure if Cameron was mocking him.
    “Oh, I think we’ll leave it at that for now.” said O’Lochlen. “I’d better be going and will probably see you in the morning.”
    “O.K.” said McAllister. “Thank you for your interest and for coming tonight. I’m delighted you found my lecture interesting.”
    “Of all the people who might blow in here tonight those two are the last I would have expected.” Patsy loomed when they had gone.
    “O’Lochlen seems keen enough. He’s a natural observer and is very much aware of his surroundings. Not surprising really now that I have spoken with him. Incidentally, he has offered me help with something.”
    He drew Patsy aside and having told her of his conversation with Curtis looked at her with concern.
    “You will be straight with me, Patsy, if you’re finding it difficult keeping things going here for me, and running Susan’s business at the same time. I’m certain we can cut corners at this end.”
    “All under control. I spoke to Susan earlier. She’s taken over now. It’s easier than she suspected, so I’ve eased out and let her get more involved. Don’t worry, I’m in constant touch with her. Take my word, it’s better that way.”

    O N M ONDAY MORNING the sky was unexpectedly overcast with heaped up clouds surging in from the ocean on a powerful south-west wind. Heavy with accumulated moisture they unloaded their excess weight, on being pressured upwards by the obtuse Burren hills, and sped inland with renewed energy.
    The wind attacked the exposed Atlantic Guest House. At times it fluttered and whipped at the structure like an alien horde, as if frantically seeking a grip to shake the building apart.
    Then suddenly transforming itself into a broad wall of almost irresistible pressure it would concentrate on attempting to sunder the entire building from it’s

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