Soul Seekers03 - Mystic

Free Soul Seekers03 - Mystic by Alyson Noël

Book: Soul Seekers03 - Mystic by Alyson Noël Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyson Noël
Tags: Fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult
    Paloma parks just shy of the trees, turns to me, and says, “I will wait here until you return.”
    I try to protest, telling her I have no idea how long it will take, and how worried I am by her weakened appearance, but she’s not having it.
    “Do not worry for me, nieta. Keep your focus on the task at hand. The Lowerworld is not as you left it. Though much like Xotichl, you don’t need to rely on your vision to see.” She hugs me tightly to her chest, and despite her frail state, her touch fills me with enough strength to lead my friends toward the trees with more confidence than I feel.
    “Just follow me, and do what I do,” I tell them. “And no matter how tempted you might be, do not try to stop the fall, or worse, claw your way up. It never works, and it’ll just make the trip take that much longer. Allow the fall to happen naturally, without resistance. And the second you sense the first hint of light at the end of the tunnel, try to curl your body into as tight a ball as you can. It really helps to cushion the landing, which can be a little rough.”
    I glance behind me, and seeing they’re not the least bit inhibited by my warnings, I launch myself forward. Aware of them falling behind, one by one, as we’re swallowed deep into the earth, before landing in a hard bank of snow with Lita flailing beside me in a crazy tangle of limbs, as Xotichl exits last, rolling to a stop just as I coached.
    “You really weren’t kidding about the dirt.” Lita brushes her hands against her knees and begins plucking pebbles and twigs and assorted debris from her hair.
    “Or the worms.” Xotichl straightens her coat as I help her to her feet. “I felt one skim right past my cheek. Luckily it was gone before I had a chance to properly freak.”
    I squint against the glare and take a good look around, unable to determine just where we’ve landed since all of the usual landmarks are covered with a heavy dusting of snow, with more accumulating each passing minute. Paloma was right about it not looking at all like I left it. Hopefully the snow-stopping ritual I worked just before leaving her house will begin to kick in without too much delay.
    “So, this is the Lowerworld.” I glance at my friends. “What do you think?”
    Lita places her hands on her hips and takes a good look around. “Well, I’m sure it’s really nice. But at the moment, there’s so much snow, it looks a lot like Enchantment.”
    “Trust me, underneath the snow it’s far more beautiful than Enchantment.” I shove my hands under my armpits in an effort to warm them, and continue to survey the area. Dismayed to find it absent of spirit animals, including Raven who’s usually waiting to greet my arrival.
    Have the animals been forced into hibernation because of the snow?
    “Is it always like this?” Xotichl asks.
    “No.” I frown, not liking what I see. “While I’ve never visited in the dead of winter, I’m sure this place doesn’t change seasons. Before Cade corrupted it, it pretty much existed in a state of eternal spring. The flowers were forever in bloom, the grass was lush and green. Like golf course grass, only better.” I sigh at the memory. “But despite Cade turning it into a wasteland, last I saw, just before I left, it was definitely returning to its usual springlike state once again.”
    “Since this is where our spirit animals live, do you think we might meet them?” Xotichl’s face is lit with the possibility of meeting Bat who’s been guiding her since the day she was born, and I hate to disappoint her.
    “I was hoping they’d be waiting for us. They usually are,” I tell her. “But with all of this cold and snow, I can only assume that they’re hibernating.”
    And since they can’t guide us if they’re sleeping, that can’t be a good thing.
    Though I’m careful to keep my concerns to myself. No use worrying my friends when I’m merely speculating without any proof.
    “So normally I would see

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