Brotherhood 02 - Broken Promise

Free Brotherhood 02 - Broken Promise by Laura Landon

Book: Brotherhood 02 - Broken Promise by Laura Landon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Landon
Fledgemont. He’d been hired to find her and take her back to London where Lord and Lady Penderly could take care of her. The sooner he put all other thoughts out of his head, the better off he’d be.
    The minutes stretched to an hour, then more. Before the room took on a chill, he added more wood to the grate, then sat back and watched the fire blaze.
    Austin didn’t know how long he’d stared at the flickering flames while his mind evaluated Lady Fledgemont’s accusations, but his shoulders ached when he shifted in his chair. Silence had replaced the sounds of laughter and ribaldry from below and he breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid the noise that carried upward from the taproom would wake the baby and he’d want to be fed.
    Heaven help him. Austin didn’t have the vaguest idea what he’d do if that happened.
    Thankfully, there was a knock, and when he answered the door, the innkeeper’s wife and a young serving girl stood in the hallway. “Has the poor lass gone to sleep, then?” the older woman asked.
    “Yes.” He stepped back. “Come in.”
    The innkeeper’s wife entered with one of the glass jars he’d seen Lady Fledgemont use to feed the babe in London. The young girl followed, carrying a tray of delicious-smelling food.
    “Put the tray on that table, Jenny, then run off to bed.”
    The young girl placed the tray on the small bedside table, then rushed from the room.
    “Thank you, Mrs. …
    “Pollock. Maudie Pollock. That was my youngest—Jenny.”
    “Thank you, Mrs. Pollock. For everything.”
    “Call me Maudie. Everybody does.” She glanced at the tray on the table. “I brought enough food for the both of you, so you might as well eat it while it’s hot. If I’m any judge of people, the food will be ice cold before the lady wakes.”
    Austin looked at the bed where Lady Fledgemont slept and knew Mrs. Pollock was right. “She’s exhausted,” he said, more to himself than the innkeeper’s wife.
    “I could see that when she arrived.” She looked at him with raised eyebrows. “And so are you. You must have gone without sleep as long as the lady.”
    “But I didn’t have an infant to care for,” he said, wondering how on earth Lady Fledgemont had managed.
    “I prayed someone would come after her. Mr. Pollock says you were a Captain in the war. That you’re her family?”
    He thought how to answer her, then realized the truth was his only option. “No, but I was sent by her family.”
    “Oh, good. She needs family. Especially now.” She gave him a motherly look. “Glad I am that you’re here.” Her smile broadened. “Is there anything else you need before I turn in for the night?”
    “No, you’ve been more than kind. Thank you.”
    “No trouble, sir.” She handed him a container wrapped in warm cloths. “Here’s the baby’s milk. Feed him when he wakes. He should fall back to sleep once he’s full.” She walked to the door. “I’ll be back shortly after sunup with more milk and some dry nappies. Just let the lady sleep. She needs her rest.”
    Austin thanked Mrs. Pollock again, then handed her enough money to cover anything they might need for as long as they were here. She wasn’t gone long before Jonathan stirred in his basket.
    Austin stared at the squirming baby, knowing that he had no choice but to pick him up. The only babe he’d ever held before was his niece, Rachel, the day before Gabe and Liddy took her to their country manor estate, Southerby. But he hadn’t had to pick her up. And she’d been wrapped in so many blankets that holding her was like carrying his stiff army bedroll.
    This was different. There was just a single cover over little Jonathan, not nearly enough so Austin felt safe lifting him in the air.
    He hunched down beside the cradle and stared at the infant. He was fussing in earnest now, and if Austin didn’t do something soon he’d wake up his mother, as well as everyone in the inn.
    Austin reached out, then stopped. “Are you

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