Ivorie's Surprise [Golden Dolphin] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Ivorie's Surprise [Golden Dolphin] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Skye Michaels

Book: Ivorie's Surprise [Golden Dolphin] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Skye Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skye Michaels
Tags: Romance
the ransom of fifty thousand pounds has been paid, Lady Ivorie, you are mine to do with as I please. I don’t care who pays—your father or your betrothed. They are both my sworn enemies.” He pulled her roughly into his arms and crushed his mouth down on hers. She could feel her pulse accelerate as he plundered her avid mouth. Her heart was actually pounding in her chest. It had happened just that quickly. This was powerful stuff. She was beginning to see the appeal, over and above the opportunity to get dressed up in fancy clothes, which she didn’t think she’d have on for very long.
    She was right! Before she could frame another response, Drew put his hand on the neck of the gown and ripped it open and off her body before she could do anything but gasp. He threw it over the chair in the corner. She was now standing in just the sheer white cotton underdress. Oh my God. He’s ruined that beautiful dress . But then she realized the dual purpose of the Velcro fastenings. They were obviously intended to facilitate quick and noisy removal. “No, no, my lord. Please stop.”
    “Never, until you are mine.” He quickly grasped both of her wrists in one of his big hands, grabbed up a set of padded leather handcuffs, and secured her wrists. She was frightened for a moment, and then she looked into his sparkling hazel eyes and saw the laughter just under the fierce expression on his face. She relaxed and knew she could trust him and could just go with the scene. He dragged her roughly to the other side of the room and clipped the cuffs to the chains hanging from the ceiling. He adjusted the length of the chain until she was standing on her toes, but not suspended.
    Without warning, he grabbed the neckline of the white underdress and ripped that open as well. Then he circled her tethered body, looking at her naked breasts, the vulnerable vee of her thighs, and her bottom. She felt extremely exposed. She had never been on display in this manner in her life. Quickly and without warning, he smacked her bottom again with the flat of his hand. The sharp cracking sound made her jump. Her heart rate accelerated again as the sting migrated down to her pussy, and she felt herself release a flood of moisture. Her eyes flew open and locked on his. What the heck? Before she could protest, he pulled her bound body into his arms and crushed her mouth again. She moaned into his mouth as she returned his kiss with an enthusiasm that astounded her.
    After that smack, she hadn’t known how she would feel, but apparently, her body had liked it, even if her mind was not yet made up. He slid his fingers through the slick juices of her pussy and unerringly found the little nub of nerves at the top of her mound, and all thoughts ran out of her mind like water from a sieve. He lightly rubbed the little button until she was panting. She was unable to focus and just went with the feeling of bliss between her legs. While she was luxuriating in that feeling, he palmed first one tender and achy breast and then the other. She whimpered and spread her legs as wide as they would go. He plunged his middle finger into her center, and she came apart in his hands. The electricity of her climax tingled from the top of her spine down to the tips of her toes. Her body quivered, and she collapsed against his chest. She would have fallen if not for the bindings around her wrists suspending her from the ceiling.
    * * * *
    Drew held her close to his chest as he unfastened the cuffs from the chain. He lifted her into his arms and headed for the bed on the other side of the room. He gently laid her down on the comforter. He kissed her eyes, her nose, her lips, her rosy nipples, and then trailed his lips down the center of her body to her naked mound. The enticing scent of her arousal drew him like a worker bee to honey. He was determined to taste that honey and spread her legs wide. His steel-hard cock was pressing painfully against the front of his leathers,

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