Sweet Cry of Pleasure

Free Sweet Cry of Pleasure by Marie Medina

Book: Sweet Cry of Pleasure by Marie Medina Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Medina
Someone has a plan.”
    Alala felt her mind race. Who would want to harm Ares? No god would be so cowardly as to do this instead of facing him in a fight. A goddess? A demi-god or a Titan? Some other creature?
    Whoever did this had aimed for his heart, but they hadn’t intended a deathblow, at least not immediately. They had broken his heart.
    “Hera, please forgive me for asking this.”
    Hera knelt by her, concerned. “There’s no need to ask that. What is it?”
    She lowered her voice. “His heart. An interesting target. Aphrodite?”
    Hera lowered her eyes. “I haven’t spoken to her lately. I don’t know what she feels or thinks. She’d risk so much by harming our son. I would be less merciful even than Zeus.”
    “She couldn’t mean for him to die though, if it’s even her.”
    “Maybe not. Whoever did this will answer to me no matter who it is.” Hera stared off, her expression growing dark. Alala knew whoever had done this would regret it, no matter what their motivation.
    Alala nodded. “I understand.” Ares’ hand fell from hers, and both women moved to him.
    Hera touched his forehead. “He’s alive. The pain must be very great to steal his consciousness.”
    Alala nodded. “He never let pain stop him in battle.”
    Hera touched her shoulder. “You love my son. Why dally with that boy? He’s sweet, but he doesn’t have your fire.”
    “How long have you known?”
    “Long enough to think you a little foolish. My son often has no idea what’s best for him, and he can be even more foolish when all is said and done.”
    Alala turned away. “Eris thinks so too. About both of us.”
    “She’s right. You think you aren’t good enough?”
    “I can’t talk about this now.”
    “We won’t let him die.” Hera stood. “Hypnos?” she called, her voice echoing.
    Alala looked up as Hypnos, the god of sleep, appeared. He was pale with short, white hair. His eyes were black, like his brother’s. They were twins, except that Thanatos, the god of death, had black hair.
    “Yes, my queen?”
    Alala couldn’t help shivering, though his voice was soft and gentle. She had always been afraid of the two brothers.
    “I want you to stay with my son. Don’t let your brother take him.”
    He bowed. “You should petition Lord Hades. Only he could order Charon not to ferry Ares across the Acheron into the Underworld.”
    “I will, but I don’t plan on letting my son go so far. You will obey me?”
    “Of course, my queen.” He looked down at Alala. “You fear me as much as you fear my brother.”
    Alala tried to find her voice. “I’ve seen you both on the battlefield so many times. I can’t explain my fear. It’s very mortal, I suppose.”
    “I’m not offended. I understand. I wish you would not fear me though.”
    “I’ll try.”
    Alala was so afraid that Ares might die she was willing to accept any help offered to them. If Thanatos did come for Ares, he would have to take her as well.

Chapter Four
    Eris pounded on the door. “Aphrodite! Open this fucking door!”
    The door opened by itself, and Eris walked into the house.
    Aphrodite emerged from the living room. “I’m right here.”
    “What have you done to my brother?”
    “You wouldn’t understand.”
    “Try me. I know you won’t kill him, but that doesn’t help you all that much at the moment.”
    “Have they found Megaera?”
    “Yes, but I didn’t wait around to hear her story. Only you would do this.”
    “You’re right, but you have my motives all wrong.”
    Eris fought to keep her hands at her sides and not around Aphrodite’s neck. “Then explain them to me.”
    “If I tell you everything, the spell will fail.”
    Eris counted to ten. Then she did it again. “Tell me what you can. This is driving me crazy.”
    Aphrodite sighed. “You think I hate you, don’t you?”
    “Stop thinking about yourself. It doesn’t matter.”
    “I’m not doing this for spite or revenge. And I wasn’t thinking of my own ego

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