
Free Novak by Suzanne Steele

Book: Novak by Suzanne Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Steele
with my own eyes, his sadistic tendencies. The man in the hospital was beat beyond recognition, all but beat to death. I have become entangled in a very ruthless and dangerous man’s web of deceit.
    I continue getting ready as Novak does business over the phone. Yes, it must be just my imagination and paranoia. Surely he couldn’t know anything, or so I tell myself, as I continue to get ready for an evening that holds nothing but mysteries for me. I can only hope for the best. I realize, in this moment, I am not beyond begging for mercy. The only question is, does a man like Novak even harbor any mercy in his cold, dark heart?

    I make my way to the bed and retrieve the dress that my soon to be wife will be wearing this evening.
    I remove the white dress from the box and I can’t resist saying, “You will be wearing white tonight, the color of purity and innocence. We both know you are a liar and a thief, but we don’t have to let the rest of the world know it, now do we? Some things are better left unsaid. Wouldn’t you agree, Katrina?”
    She continues applying her make-up and trying to alleviate the nagging fear I know she is feeling. I know it’s a fear that will not release its grip on her. Her body language tells me she suspects that I know something. She makes a valiant effort to pull herself together and we make our way to the airport. She can lie to herself, as she does everyone else, but I see right through her deceptions. She can’t successfully lie to me. I waste no time confirming her fears and as soon as the plane takes off, I address her. She understands now why that nagging fear just wouldn’t go away. I can see the terror in her eyes as I confront her about her betrayal. I react in a way she never anticipated.


Chapter Seventeen
    Let the games begin, I think to myself as I close my hand around the little witch’s neck and hiss at her. “There is nothing worse in my line of work than a rat, Katrina! Do you know what we do to rats?”
    Her eyes dart to Sergei as if seeking help. He’s seated in front of us and appears to not even be listening to the threats I’m throwing in her direction. No, she’ll get no help from him. Sergei’s allegiance is first to Bratva, and then to me, and he will kill her at my command with no remorse.
    “I swear, I swear, I didn’t say anything to him. Please, Novak, please, I swear, nothing, I said nothing. I’m begging you to please have mercy. I swear to you.”
    My grip tightens as I cut off the lies she spews to me so easily. I listen to the little, fear filled bitch, liar that she is. I reach in my pocket, retrieving David Turner’s business card and ask, “What the fuck is this, Katrina?”
    Though I’m aware she doesn’t like me rooting through her things, she doesn’t have the nerve to confront me about it right now. The terror in her voice excites me. I’m a twisted, mother fucking predator and she is my prey of choice.
    “Oh God, please no. I’ll do anything. I swear I didn’t say anything. Please don’t hurt me. Please, I’m begging you.”
    A sadistic grin settles on my face and I know she sees it. She can’t hide her true emotions from me and I can see the panic in her eyes. Her mouth is full of lies, but she will never be able to hide the truth from me. I have been trained in my line of work and she is a novice who has sorely underestimated me.
    “Well, Katrina, it’s a good thing that you will do anything because tonight, you will be taking on my last name. I am finally going to sink my talons into you and own you as I should. You need to be watched and I have every intention of keeping you on a very short leash.”
    “Oh no, Novak, I can’t marry you.”
    “Well, Katrina, there is one other option. There is always Sergei. I will kill you before I ever release you, my love. You are mine and I will never let you go. You owe me so much more than money; you owe me your life. You steal from me, you lie to me,

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