Love Don't Cost a Thing

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Book: Love Don't Cost a Thing by Shelby Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelby Clark
house!” Moe walked swiftly over to the bag and picked it up and threw it at Preston.
    “What? Why are you talking to me like that, Moe? What did I do to you?”
    “Too damn much. I said get the hell out!”
    Monica paused and threw her hand on her hip as she pointed her finger with the other hand.
    “You knew I was engaged and I remember just now that I also introduced Colin to you as my fiancé. And you thought in your sick, twisted little mind that you were still going to try your hand. Not!”
    “But, Moe, I’m sorry. I can explain all that to you. It won’t happen again. I know now that you love Colin! Can’t I just be here for you guys?”
    “Just give me the keys to my car, Preston, and wait outside for your cab.”
    Within seconds a horn was blowing. Monica walked toward Preston to direct him out as he walked backward to the door. They stopped in the foyer.
    “I’m going to say it one more time, keys please!”
    Preston replied in a deep voice as he leaned in to try and steal a kiss.
    “What if I don’t?”
    Monica met his nose and mouth with a right hook of her fist and then grabbed him, pulling him forward as she jolted her left knee between his crotch.
    “Ah!” Preston yelled in a high pitched voice and fell to the floor.
    “Preston, you don’t get to fuck with my life or my man. If he was here, an ambulance would be here for you instead of a cab.”
    “Fuck you too, Moe,” he replied in a squeaky voice. “You know we could’ve had something nice together. You missed out,” he yelled as he threw her keys at her.
    Out of reflex she reached down and slapped his face with excessive force as she yelled back at him, “Please, I wouldn’t be with your sorry ass even if you had the only cock on this planet. And another thing, no one gets to touch me uninvited. That’s for putting your hands on me! Get outta my house while you can!”
    By the time she finished speaking, Justin came running in from behind Monica to escort Preston out the door while Leah attended to Monica.
    “Yes, please do, Justin. Get him out of here. I don’t want to jeopardize my job on that immoral rat.”
    Leah took Monica’s hand and led her back to the sofa.
    “He’s gone, calm yourself! Sissy, I thought you were about to lose it. That’s why Justin and I came out to help get him out of here, plus I heard him talking trash.”
    Monica chuckled a little to try and calm down.
    “Yeah, ha, I got it. I’m all right now. Girl, I hate his guts now. Obviously, he was no longer my friend, but more of an opportunist trying to satisfy himself.”
    “Apparently so, but I’m glad it all came out when it did.”
    “Me too.”
    “But anyway, Moe, I have some sad news.” Leah grabbed Monica’s hands.
    “What is it?”
    “Calm yourself, nothing bad. It’s just, Justin and I are going to shorten our visit.”
    They hugged each other tightly and shared some tears.
    “No, Lele, why? I don’t want you to leave yet. Can’t you stay a couple more days?”
    “No, Moe. I have to get back to the children. They need Justin and me. And things are a mess here. I feel partly responsible. If you never gave us that time this wouldn’t have happened.”
    “We don’t know that for sure, but nevertheless, I do need to go find my love and clear things up.”
    “Yes, please do, I liked Colin. We just didn’t have the proper time to really get to know one another. Express my apologies, Moe. And maybe soon you two can come and visit us under better circumstance in Africa.”
    “Maybe, I would like that very much.”
    They hugged again as Justin put their bags in the hallway.
    “Our cab is downstairs now. We have to go.”
    “Lele, I can take you to the airport.”
    “No, didn’t you just say you had matters to take care of? Now go, attend to your business.”
    “I love you guys!”
    “We love you too, and thanks for everything.”
    Monica shut her door and ran to shower and dress extremely nice for Colin. This time she was not

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