Love Don't Cost a Thing

Free Love Don't Cost a Thing by Shelby Clark

Book: Love Don't Cost a Thing by Shelby Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelby Clark
here. Listen to Moe!”
    “Yeah, probably because I ruined it for you. Get back in the car man, and mind your fuckin’ business.”
    “Let me talk to you man,” Preston pleaded.
    “You don’t want to talk to me right now. I’m telling you, dude, piss off right now before I come over there and shove you in the car myself! I see straight through you, OK?!”
    Preston stared at Colin for a second and returned to the car.
    “Moe, look at you. It’s cold as hell out here. You only have on some flimsy sweats, a tee, and a jacket. I can even tell you don’t have a bra on.”
    “I just stepped out the house for a minute.”
    “No, I called your cell an hour ago and Leah has your phone.”
    Monica checked her pockets and the car to see if she had her phone.
    “I didn’t realize I didn’t have it with me.”
    “What am I supposed to think? Is this why you didn’t want to get married just yet, so you can check your feelings for Preston?” Colin argued as he reached for his car door.
    Monica tried to block his hand. “No! Please, Colin don’t leave like this. I promise you, you’re wrong.” She gazed at him with wide eyes.
    “Moe, how would you feel and what would you think if this situation was me and another woman. You would swear that I was fuckin’ her. Think about it and get back to me.”
    Colin jumped in his car and sped off, leaving Monica standing in the middle of the garage.

Chapter VI
    Monica snuggled up to her older sister, laying her head on her shoulder for comfort. “Lele, what should I do? Colin might call off the engagement.”
    “No he won’t. He’s just angry and confused right now.”
    “But it’s been a week and he won’t answer my texts or my emails. When I go past his office, the door is shut and locked. His receptionist says that he works from the field.”
    “Well, Moe, maybe he needs this time just like you asked for time from him. Isn’t that what you told me?”
    “Yes, but that’s different, Le,” Moe snarled.
    Leah got up to get something to drink, letting Moe fall to the side of the couch.
    “Damn, you could’ve gave me some warning that you were getting up. Where’re you going? I’m pouring my heart out to you.”
    Leah kept walking as if she didn’t care.
    “I’m thirsty, do you mind? And you don’t need sympathy.”
    “Yes I do. My man, my husband-to-be, might be leaving me. I need your help, big sis.”
    “No, you don’t. You need a kick in the ass.”
    Leah looked around the condo. “Where’s Preston and Justin?”
    “They took my car and went to the store.”
    “Good, we can talk freely.”
    “About what?”
    “About everything, you, Colin, and Preston! What’s going on? Do you have feelings for Preston?”
    “Hell no! You know the only regard I had for him was as my best friend.”
    “No feelings at all? This is sissy you’re talking to.”
    “Nope, none, never in the least.”
    Leah held the palms of her hands up with puzzlement. “Well, I don’t get why Colin is so upset.”
    “I do, but I want to say that I’m madly in love with Colin.”
    “Then why is Preston here?” Leah questioned.
    “What? Because you brought him here.”
    Leah slung a pillow from the couch to gently hit Monica.
    “Monica London, don’t make me hurt you up in here! When I talked to you on the phone and told you about Preston, that was your cue or your moment to tell me not to bring him. When you’re into your man, you don’t have time for a single man hanging around, friend or not. Would you want another woman hanging around Colin?”
    “No, I wouldn’t. I would have a problem with that.”
    “You say you want to love him and marry him.”
    “I do.” Monica still tried to defend herself. “Well, you didn’t say he was coming too. I didn’t know he was going to hop on a plane to come here with you.”
    Leah cut her some slack. “I don’t even know where he’s staying or what he’s up to. Justin and I ran into him at the airport during

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