Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

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Book: Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All) by Cheryl Persons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Persons
her youth when she would portray the teacher.  “Kari?”
    Kari looked around and smiled, “Hi mommy.  I'm playing school.  Samuel has been bad again, so he is in the corner.”  She pointed to the other side of the room where her stuffed bear was facing the corner.  Cassie couldn't help but giggle.
    “I am sure he will learn his lesson,” Scarlett replied with a chuckle.  She turned to Cassie, “She's 5...she has a wild imagination,” she whispered.  “Kari, you were only 3 the last time you saw your Aunt Cassie.”
    Kari got up and stared at Cassie, “Are you really my Aunt?”
    Cassie smiled, “Not exactly, but I would like for you to call me Aunt Cassie...if that would be alright with you.”
    Kari smiled, “I don't have an Aunt, so I...I would like that.”
    “Supper will be ready soon, why don't you go wash your hands.”
    “Awww, I have to?”
    “Yes, so please go do it.”
    “Okay,” she stomped away and Cassie turned to Scarlett.
    “Hm...She reminds me of her mother.”
    Scarlett laughed, “I was never that stubborn, was I?”
    “I seem to remember a few occasions, but you grew out of it...she will too.”
    “Then there's hope.”  Scarlett replied as she shut off the bedroom light and went to the last room in the hallway.  There were two cribs in the room and Cassie knew that bringing another baby into the house was going to be pushing it.  “This here is Frankie; she just turned 2 last week.”  Scarlett picked her up out of the crib and Frankie started to smile wide. 
    “She is adorable, she looks just like you.”  Cassie ran her hand over her cheek and her eyes got big.  “I'm your Aunt Cassie sweetie.”  She laughed and then laid her head down on Scarlett's shoulder.
    “She can be shy, but once she gets to know you...she will be your shadow.”
    “She is precious.”  Cassie replied with a smile as she ran her hand through the child's curls.
    “Then over here is Joey.  He turned 1 last month.”
    Cassie looked down at the sleeping boy in his crib.  “He looks so sound.  He definitely resembles Thomas.”
    “Yes he does.”  Scarlett replied as they looked down at him.  “I have a monitor downstairs; we'll let him sleep until he's hungry.  He has been sick for the past few days; the rest will do him some good.”
    “Anything serious?”
    “No, just a cold.”  Scarlett shut off the light and they quietly left.  “So, that would be my bunch and then this little one will be born in about 7 months.”
    “Are you going to find out what you're having?”
    “I don't know that's kind of the debate between Thomas and me.  He wants to wait, but I would like to know so we could plan for it.  I guess when it gets closer to the ultrasound, we'll decide.”
    Thomas was just finishing the food when they walked into the kitchen.  “Thanks babe,” she replied as she gave him a kiss.  “Did Bethany and Lily come back?”
    “Yeah, they're washing up.  Why don't you ladies go have a seat at the table and I will serve.”
    Scarlett's eyes got big, “How could I pass that up?”
    She put Frankie down in a highchair and they sat down across from each other.  Bethany and Lily came into the dining room and took a seat next to Cassie and then Kari joined them and sat on a side of Scarlett.  Thomas brought out the food and placed in the middle of the table.  “This looks amazing Thomas.”
    “Well, I can't take all the credit.  My beautiful wife did most of it.”  Cassie watched their display of affection and she couldn't help but imagine that this life she was seeing could one day be hers.  When he took a seat he smiled, “Should I say grace?”  Everyone was silent and Cassie lowered her head and took Thomas' hand in one and Bethany's hand in the other.  “Heavenly Father, we thank you for this wonderful food we are about to eat.  We are blessed to have Cassie join us this evening and we welcome her back home.  We are thankful for the many

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