Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

Free Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All) by Cheryl Persons

Book: Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All) by Cheryl Persons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Persons
    Cassie shook her head in disbelief, right after high school Thomas and Scarlett eloped.  It seemed every other year they were expecting a child.  “It's been a long time, I haven't even met little Frankie or Joey.”
    “Well, that will all have to change.  Why don't you come over to the house tomorrow night?  I'll cook and you can catch up with the whole family.”
    “I would like that; I'll see you...let's say about 6:00?”
    “Sounds good, see ya then Cassie.”  Cassie smiled to herself; it would be good to see all of them again.  She went in and dropped off the invitations and then headed back to the house. 
    When she got back in the house she could hear that they were still talking.  “Cassie has a right to know.”  Her sister was saying, instantly pulling Cassie to attention. 
    “Why?  Everyone had moved on, why does Cassie have to know what happened?”
    “Brad, you know I can't keep secrets.  Especially from my sister.  She would see right through me.  Besides, if something has changed...maybe there's hope after all.”
    “I don't know could be a mess.  I shouldn't get involved, it's too personal and I don't want my sister to get hurt.”
    Cassie backed way, making sure she couldn't be seen.  “Maybe you're right, but Cassie is my sister and I don't want her getting hurt either.”  The room was quiet for a moment, “Fine, we won't say anything.  They'll have to work it out themselves.  What is meant to be will be.”  Cassie went to the door and opened it, slamming it shut so that Brad and Courtney wouldn't continue their conversation.  Courtney looked up as Cassie walked into the dining room.  “Did you get those mailed?” 
    “Yeah,” Cassie looked at Brad and then to Courtney, trying to figure out what they were hiding.  “It's all taken care of.”
    “Thanks Cassie, we appreciate it.”  Bradley replied quietly and he barely looked her way.  “I have a few things to take care of; I'll see you both later.”  He kissed Courtney and was gone in a second.
    Cassie turned to Courtney and smiled, “So, did you have a nice talk?”
    “Yeah, just wedding stuff.  Thanks again for taking care of the invitations.”
    Cassie could definitely feel the tension change in the room as Courtney went on to straightening up her scrap-booking materials.  “I saw Scarlett at the post office.  I'm going to go to their house tomorrow night.  It's been awhile since I've seen everyone.  Did you know Scarlett's expecting another baby?”
    “She is?  Wow, I hadn't heard that.”  Cassie stared at Courtney as Courtney was avoiding eye contact.  “Would this be their 4 th child?”
    “Actually, their 5 th .  Courtney, is everything alright?”
    Courtney looked up, “Yes, why wouldn't it be?”
    “I don't just seems that you're a little preoccupied.  Maybe Brad said something that has you flustered.”
    “No, it's nothing.  I am telling you...everything's fine.” 
    Cassie could tell when she wasn't being exactly truthful with her, but she didn't want to pry.  It was true she heard her name brought up, so knowing it had something to do with worried her.  In time she was going to find out, so Cassie tried not to think about it.  She just hoped Courtney hadn't told him she was now technically single.  “Okay, is there something else we need to do today?”
    “No, I don't believe so. Do you have any plans tonight?”
    “Not really.  How about you?”
    “Brad, is going to come by later and we're going to go out for supper.  Do you want to come?”
    Cassie shook her head, “No thanks, but I appreciate the offer.”  Before she left the room she looked back at Courtney.  “Courtney, promise me you won't tell him about Chad.  You didn't already, did you?”
    Courtney shook her head.  “I promise you, I haven't said anything.  I don't know why you want to keep it between us.”
    “You never know what will happen and I don't want

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