was my map. We couldn’t follow the road because it lead out to the Interstate system which was not a good place to be.
It wasn’t bad climbing out of the canyon and up onto the open country where we headed down the spine of the range. I knew from Harv that we were in empty country for the next several days and other then crossing some old jeep roads were not likely to see anybody and more importantly not be seen.
And so it was for the next several days. Ride all day, make camp, eat, sleep and get up and do it all over again. And to a degree it was kinda boring. In fact it was real boring but I hastened to remind myself to be careful what ya wish for!
I truly ain’t got the words to describe the beauty of the high country and how it can make one feel both powerful and small and insignificant all in a moment.
I remember some words I read once. At least I think I did, hell maybe I dreamed them but no they are to eloquent to have been a by product of my brain.
Anyway it goes…
“Nothing can compare with sitting on a good horse up high because when your do so, you can see all the way to God.”
I hope sitting on a mule don’t reduce the point…
There is a clean quality to the air in the high Mountain country that can not be duplicated by anything except perhaps being far out to sea facing into the wind. Regardless they are both wonderful and I have been privileged to have experienced both many times.
I often stop in places where the sun has warmed the boulders and just sat having a drink of water, pouring some for Molly who lays at my feet to make sure I don’t sneak off on her.
The mules enjoy it too since they can graze and often I watch them staring out across the miles of empty country and the unending blue sky that inspired the name “ Big Sky Country” which of course was back in Montana but applied here as well for is it not the same sky?
This way of life is good and if my family were not needing me and I not needing them and to be there making them safer by my presents I could stay up here and let the world sort it’s self out.
But I think this and yet I know I would not because if the good people hide from evil who then will end the evil? I’m not brave nor a self righteous person but for all my faults I know right from wrong, good from bad.
And five dead men back in Montana will never hurt anybody again because I chose to become involved, what man could call himself a man and not do so?
My how things changed. It would be so easy to say it happened so fast but in truth it started a long time ago. When fools sent fools and crooks to Washington to make stupid laws and to make themselves rich.
No, it wasn’t quick but it seems so to those who had no ability to see and understand what was being done to our nation, our people and our way of life. I knew millions were dying as I sat here on this mountain yet there was nothing I could do about it today.
Had I been braver years back and had I the conviction to do what needed doing would it have helped? Should good men die in wars started by evil men desiring to bring about changes to better control others from a seat of all power?
Should a congressman ( Person? Hahaah) be removed by force if necessary to preserve all that is right about America? The answer in my heart is a resounding “YES!!” but can one man alone bring down their army of evil men?
We should have tried and it will rest hard on our souls that we did not. I’ve often asked. Could one good man with an honest conviction of right and a good rifle have prevented WW 2 ??
Had Hitler, dying at the hand of a good and decent man willing to die for right have accomplished an end to the hell that was coming? We will never know but 100 million people had to die before the slime bag ended his own worthless life.
But for a nail the shoe was lost, but for a bullet all was lost for many years.