Natural Witchery
or events that once delighted you. Should you find yourself wondering what ever happened to your sexuality, you definitely have a fire block. If working to create those positive changes all seems like “too much trouble or work,” you are again dealing with a fire block. Both on a personal and a magickal level, this is exasperating. Fire is the element of transformation, and if you are blocked here, you will find it difficult to transform your wishes into reality. Are you holding on to old hurt feelings and unresolved issues? It’s time to shed some light on the problems. A prescription for you to consider is to do something constructive, like exercise, and to release your anger in a affirmative way. If you feel disconnected from your sexuality, then do something positive just for you—something that will transform your self-image and make you feel better about yourself. Whether you are male or female, you can change your look, get a new haircut, color your hair, try different body care products or a new personal scent. Buy new sexy underwear or a whole outfit. Treat yourself to a massage. Get a baby sitter and take your partner out for an evening of romance. Use your imagination, and you’ll get those juices flowing again.
    Water Block
    The sign of a water block is emotional turmoil. Since the element of water classically represents emotions, this can be an especially uncomfortable block. Here we are dealing with the more negative emotions, such as sadness and anger. Now it’s certainly true that none of us likes to admit when we are behaving badly. But being pent-up emotionally is the equivalent of a being a walking, ticking time bomb. Eventually all that anger and emotional frustration will spill over—and probably at a socially inappropriate time. These emotions may run deep. But unless you take a hard look at why you feel it’s so important to repress the feelings and hold on to them, you won’t move forward. Study those murky emotions, climb out of that swirling pool of hurt, and start to release that frustration in healthy ways. Claim your emotions, and admit when you are upset or your feelings are hurt. Have a nice cry, and then wash your face and start dealing with the issues. Try journaling. Or you can have a little chat with a friend or partner—that’s a positive talk, by the way, not a shouting contest—and clear things up. If this isn’t an option, then consider finding a therapist and talking about your troubles. Therapy can be a positive tool for change. Don’t dismiss the idea.
    Removing Elemental Blocks
    Probably you will discover that you have a combination of the above blockages. And if so, you’ve got work to do, my friend. This situation calls for soul-searching, some personal transformation, and then banishing those elemental blocks. This will probably be some of the most challenging spellwork you will face, for many reasons. First off, it’s very personal, and your fears and emotions are involved. It’s tough to let go of fear of failure, frustration, old ideas, or unhealthy habits. But this type of purge is a positive step and can become a powerful tool for self-transformation.
    I know that when I faced a blockage to my personal power there were a few of the elements involved. Which ones did I have blocked? Okay, I’ll give. They were air and fire. I had way too much water energy and earth energy, and they had smothered the other two. So did I figure this out all by my amazing little witchy self? No, I had a talk with a dear friend, and she gently pointed out that I needed to take a closer look at my personal energies and see if I was experiencing a block. Actually, she gave me a “mom” type of lecture, which was the magickal equivalent of getting a loving whack! upside the head.
    But you know, once I really thought about her suggestions, I was able to figure out what the problem was. Then I rolled up my sleeves and worked

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