Out of Circulation (Hemlock Creek Suspense Book 1)

Free Out of Circulation (Hemlock Creek Suspense Book 1) by Heather Day Gilbert Page B

Book: Out of Circulation (Hemlock Creek Suspense Book 1) by Heather Day Gilbert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Day Gilbert
the theft.
    Jim continued. "You searched that boat, didn't you? I told you where I put it. You check there?"
    Ace uncrossed his arms and dropped them to his sides, ready to draw and fire if he had to. "Sure did. One of the first places I looked. It wasn't in the built-in bench."
    He braced himself for Jim's wrath, but it didn't come. Instead, an ominous silence fell. The calm before the storm?
    Jim smiled even wider. "No problem. I take it you've searched the house?"
    "In its entirety."
    He stood watchful, waiting for Jim to give some kind of signal. It would be easy enough for his boss to cut his losses and have him killed right here.
    Jim stalked closer and Ace recoiled. The man laughed. "Cool your jets. Didn't I spring you from jail? I'm your savior. Now you are gonna pay me back. Out of the goodness of my heart, I've decided to give you a couple more days. I'm staying over at The Greenbrier, keeping a close eye on that piece of work, Molly. That one grew up real nice."
    Ace wanted to punch his lights out.
    Jim smirked. "That hurt your feelings, Calhoun? Well, try this on for size. You don't hand me the money in two days, and I'm gonna get cozy with the grieving widow McClure. Esther Sue always did have a soft spot for me, and I'm sure she'd be glad if I came out of"—here he offered air quotes—"'government hiding.' I remember all those nights we sat around the family bonfire, unburdening our hearts to one another." He grunted. "Ours could be a marriage made in heaven. By the way, she will marry me, whether she wants to or not. Now, I can't actually say what might happen to those sisters if they get in my way. And the brother...well, he never liked his dad much. Maybe he needs a new one?"
    Before he could stop himself, Ace slammed both fists into Jim's chest, sending the shorter man reeling. "You're going to stay out of their lives," he breathed.
    Immediately, two armed men entered the room, blocking the door. Jim coughed.
    "Don't get fresh with me. I will not get out of their lives, or out of yours, until I have that stash. I know it's around because I hid it myself. No way Sean could've spent all that, and it's not in his accounts. You are going to get to it before Anatoly does, or you'll die trying."
    There was no choice. Either he would be the bad guy or Jim would, and he couldn't stomach Jim getting anywhere near the McClures.
    "Two days," he agreed.
    Jim rubbed at his chest, obviously sore. "I'll see you back here at the same time. And, hey—at our next get-together? My men won't be so shy." He waved his goons out the door, stalking out behind them.
    Ace stayed frozen in place, barely breathing until the car pulled away. Then he strode out, slamming the rotting door and unlocking his Lexus.
    The Lexus his boss was paying for.
    He had to retrench and find that money. As he saw it, he had one last-ditch option, and it was a bold one.
    The light was about to shine into the darkness and blind them all.
    Mom had busied herself with laundry, doubtless convincing herself that there was nothing dangerous afoot. Katie sat on the couch, Sig at the ready, observing the police car out the front window. She really needed a glass of sweet tea and a sandwich, but she wasn't about to leave her watchful post.
    The welcome sight of Ace's sleek grey Lexus nearly brought tears to her eyes. "He's here!" she shouted to no one in particular. After struggling to get up and get her foot moving, she made her way to the front door to meet him.
    But he didn't knock. She moved to the window and caught a glimpse of his back and arm as he pulled the apartment door closed behind him. What was he doing? Maybe he was going to install the glass in the door, or maybe he was hungry.
    She texted him:
    Katie: We have plenty of food over here if you want some lunch.
    She continued to stand by the window as the police unit slowly pulled away. Leaning on her good leg, she watched the apartment door for a solid ten minutes before giving up.

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