Out of Circulation (Hemlock Creek Suspense Book 1)

Free Out of Circulation (Hemlock Creek Suspense Book 1) by Heather Day Gilbert

Book: Out of Circulation (Hemlock Creek Suspense Book 1) by Heather Day Gilbert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Day Gilbert
nodded, thankful for her lighter demeanor. Molly's heated stare was making him uncomfortable. Since when did a beautiful woman's attention bother him in a bad way? Since Katie, that's when.
    As they joined Mrs. McClure at the table, Molly lathered butter on her French toast and jabbed her fork in the air. "Well, you two be careful, whatever you're doing. It's ridiculous that some freak is trying to kill my sister. I swear to you, if I knew how to use guns, I would be dangerous!"
    "Probably why Dad never taught you," Katie murmured.
    He nearly choked on his coffee. He'd never met a librarian with such a wicked sense of humor.
    After Molly swirled out of the kitchen with her usual flair, Mom stood, excusing herself. "I'm going to a Bible study with Jeannie this morning. It's been too long since I've made time for one."
    "Maybe I'll go with you sometime...after things calm down," Katie said. She really did need some accountability.
    Mom nodded, giving them a winsome smile. "Stay safe today."
    The moment they were alone, Katie lowered her voice. "I stayed up last night thinking about hiding places. Dad sometimes went to the attic, I remember. It's just a crawlspace, really, but there might be something up there."
    He nodded. "Good idea. We'll check it out. By the way, I have to head over to town later to pick up that glass panel for your door. Shouldn't take me long. I've lined up for a police patrol unit to sit outside your house starting at two-thirty. They'll stay until I get back."
    Leaving her alone ? He was just casually taking off? She drilled her gaze into his. It didn't take him long to get the message.
    "Katie, I wouldn't leave you alone unless I was sure you'd be okay. You have the Sig. You'll have a patrol car outside."
    "What if they come through the woods, into the back door?"
    "Sit in the living room, where you can get out fast. Lock all the doors. Your mom should be back by then, right? So you won't be completely alone."
    She may as well be. Mom was barely better than Molly in an emergency. She had a habit of passing out when her kids bled. The time Brandon sliced his finger with a razor, Katie had been the one who drove him to the E.R.—on her learner's permit. And forget about guns. Mom had no interest in handling one, though she was admittedly handy with her Emeril kitchen knives.
    "It's okay," she said, mentally talking herself down. She was not going to be paralyzed with fear. After all, someday Ace would have to leave them—maybe someday soon. If only those cops would track down Anatoly's thugs, maybe the McClures could start to get back to normal.
    He gave her a concerned look, but she ignored it.
    "We'd better check the attic while Mom's gone." She clomped down the hall, not caring if she looked as unwieldy as a lame elephant. Grabbing a stepstool from Dad's office, she placed it under the attic door and tried to grab at the dangling rope pull. It was just a little too high.
    "Allow me." Catching up to her, he offered a slight flourish and a bow.
    She shrugged, stepping aside.
    He climbed on the stool, pulling the rope and easing the built-in ladder down to the floor. "Are you able to climb up?"
    Heat rose in her cheeks. "I'm not handicapped. Just lame. Of course I can get up there." In reality, she had never gone upstairs before and had no idea if her bum foot would hold her weight.
    Noting his apprehensive look, she continued. "In fact, I'll head up first." Clinging to one step at a time, she slowly made her way to the top. Once inside the rectangular opening, she screwed in the light bulb to illuminate the tight space. Moving to the side floorboards, she motioned to him, trying not to ponder how she'd ever get back down.
    After placing a couple guns on the floor, he climbed up. She tried not to notice as he contorted to squeeze his wide upper body through the narrow opening. Once he was settled on the opposite side, his clean, cedar scent drifted her way. His dress shirt looked rumpled

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