Asking For Trouble
make love with him, Beau...he
stayed, because it was too late for him to go to Amarillo last
    "Some friends of mine from the FBI are going
to come by here later to talk to ya'll...they've been looking for
your brother too," he told her and yanked on the door handle, then
opened the door. "Tell them to call me in Lubbock, I should be
there late tonight," he told her then put his foot on the step to
get inside.
    Jazzie grabbed his arm and pulled him back
down, then said softly, "Wait, Beau..." He needed to get some rest,
or he was gonna wind up in a ditch somewhere. "Chase is leaving in
an hour or so, come in and I'll cook some breakfast, then you can
get some rest for a few hours."
    "I can't do that, Jazzie...when I look at
him anywhere near you, I get sick...just thinking of him with you
makes me sick."
    Anger surged up inside of her, and she
couldn't help the words that flew out of her mouth, "You don't want
me, but you don't want anyone else to have me? Is that about
    "Wanting you isn't the problem,
sweetheart...I want you so bad I ache with it. The problem is what
I have to offer you, which is nothing, but it still doesn't stop me
going crazy seeing you with him, or anybody else for that
    "You can't have it both ways, Beau...I'm not
that kind of girl," she told him resolutely.
    "That's why I acted like an asshole to you
after we made love, because I know you're not that kind of girl,
but I'm not looking for a relationship."
    "Well, let me know when you are..." she told
him quietly, then grabbed his arm and said, "In the meantime,
you're my friend and I don't want to see you in a ditch somewhere,
you need some rest. Thank you for coming to check on come
inside... please ."
    Beau looked down into Jazzie's warm brown
eyes and knew he couldn't say no. Every time he looked into her
eyes, he was drawn in like a drowning man to a life jacket. There
was something about her that called to him, and it wasn't just that
she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever met.
    He nodded and huffed out a breath, then
pulled her to him and hugged her. When she slid her arms around his
waist and laid her head on his chest, Beau groaned and tried to
corral the emotions swirling inside of him. Yeah, he wanted her,
badly, but he wasn't going there again. It wasn't fair to her, and
he had to find some way to deal with her living her life without
him. With Chase Rhodes here, there was no time like the present to
start acclimating himself to that situation.
    At least it looked like she wasn't mad at
him anymore.
    With a kiss to the top of her shiny black
hair, he asked with a chuckle, "So, what's for breakfast? Should I
take an antacid?"
    "Ranchos Quervos, but I'll lay off the
peppers and onions, if you have a weak stomach," she said with a
snort. "Wouldn't want to insult your tender constitution."
    "You callin' me a wimp?" he chuckled then
gave her a squeeze.
    "If the constitution fits..." she said and
looked up at him with a sassy smile.
    Beau couldn't resist kissing that smile, her
luscious pink lips were too much of a temptation. He leaned his
head down slowly to claim them, but Jazzie put her hand on his
chest to stop him, and turned her face away, so his lips landed on
her cheek. "No, don't," she said softly and Beau's heart tugged in
his chest, then he huffed a frustrated sigh. "We're friends," she
said succinctly, then took a step back from him and grabbed his
hand. "Come on, let's go eat."
    Even though he wasn't offering anything
permanent, there was no way in hell he could be just friends with
Jazzie Ramos. Every time he got within ten feet of her, his brain
short-circuited and all he wanted to do was pull her into his arms.
The best thing he could do for his sanity, was get away from her,
and stay away. After he ate breakfast, he was going to do that.
    The passed the burly body guard at the front
of the truck. "You shouldn't be out here in

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