
Free ExtremeCircumstances by Chandra Ryan

Book: ExtremeCircumstances by Chandra Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chandra Ryan
    “The muscle aches and pains should disappear over the next
couple of hours.”
    “That’s comforting.”
    “It should be.” Homer started packing up his stuff. “In the
meantime Julian and Prescott have a report. They, along with a couple of the
other men, went back to scout the area where you were shot.” With that
unceremonious goodbye Homer crawled out the door of the tent.
    Not that Gates missed the medic. At the mention of Julian’s
name Gates’ heart had started beating faster and his thoughts had become locked
on the other soldier. The memory of the warmth of Homer’s mouth on his suddenly
made him feel empty inside. He needed to replace it with the real thing.
    Gates sat up carefully and waited. When Julian stepped into
the tent he took a second to memorize every one of the man’s features. But then
Gates’ attention was pulled to the other man who’d entered with Julian.
Prescott. Gates gave himself a mental shake to snap out of his fixation with
Julian. They were there to give a report. And Gates was going to do his job and
hear them out.
    Prescott started. And as usual the man was all business. “We
wandered into a trap today. We found several more in that general area. Had we
continued pressing toward the goal, we could’ve taken on some real casualties.”
    But they had suffered real loss. And Gates’ inability to
protect one of his men ate at his conscience. “Jones died. He was a real
    Prescott looked down at his lap. “I know. I’m sorry, sir. I
only meant—”
    Gates immediately felt like a dick. He knew what Prescott
meant by the statement. And the loss of Jones wasn’t Prescott’s burden to
carry. It wasn’t fair of Gates to lay it on him. “No, I’m sorry. I know what
you meant. I’m just still coming to terms with what happened today. I didn’t
mean to take it out on you.”
    Prescott nodded. “You’ve been unconscious while the rest of
us were coming to terms with it. I get it.”
    Gates doubted that he did. No one could until he was in a
position of power. But he let the statement go. “So who left the traps?”
    “No idea. But I think it’s safe to say that somebody knows
we’re here. And they’re intelligent enough to hunt us.”
    Gates nodded at the possible answer. Still, there were other
options and it was important to look at them. “I agree that something’s
definitely hunting on this planet. But how do we know we’re the prey? Maybe the
trap was designed to stun an animal. Whoever set it could come back at a later
time and easily finish off the prey.”
    “No sir. It had been set for us.” Julian had been so quiet
that the simple words grabbed Gates’ attention immediately. “We have a guard
posted near the trap. We should know more when whoever set it returns to check
on it.”
    “That’s a good plan.”
    Julian smiled. “Thank you, sir.”
    “But I’m not convinced the traps were set for us. I’d hate
to alert an intelligent life form to our existence when we’re just passing
through.” Gates had to be sure before he’d risk being discovered. If the attack
had been nothing more than a coincidence and they revealed themselves, it could
lead to an escalation.
    “There was one more discovery. But since it’s Julian’s I
think he should be the one to tell you.” Prescott’s stomach rumbled loudly,
making Gates wonder how long ago they’d gotten back from scouting. He needed
the report but he hadn’t meant to keep them from their dinner.
    “If that’s all, you’re dismissed, Prescott. Go put some food
in you before it’s time to turn in.”
    “Yes sir.” Prescott nodded before he backed out the door.
    Now that he and Julian were alone, all the desire and heat
of their night together flooded through him. He wanted to pull Julian onto his
lap and kiss him hard on the lips. But he had no idea what Julian wanted.
They’d only been together once. That didn’t exactly give him privileges. And he
did need to finish

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