life. Don't we all seek greener pastures at some point in our lives, convinced that something wonderful lies just out of reach? And remember, Hunter, that you safely left the gate yourself before. Even with all your guilt, you must know that you meant no harm to come to your beloved pet."
    "Intentions don't really matter if something goes wrong, do they?" Hunter asked bitterly.
    "Ah, but I disagree," Dr. Gautier interjected. "The outcome was not set in stone. Even a kicked dog does not normally run away forever. I suspect that Coco kept running after being spooked by the unfamiliar noise of traffic and the area itself. You acted foolishly, as all very young children are apt to do from time to time. But you did not act maliciously. There is a world of difference between the two."
    Hunter listened to the words of the kind doctor, but he still felt angry at his younger self. Yet, he found himself agreeing to another visit later that week. He left the building sadder than he entered it. But he also felt a smidgen of relief that someone else finally knew his horrible secret.
    He wasn't convinced that Dr. Gautier could help him with his control issues, but he was determined to make an effort. One thing was for certain. He didn't want to risk losing Amber. And even he had the sense to see that he had pushed her away just as he had Coco that terrible day. He didn't want to make the same horrible mistake twice.

Chapter Twelve
    Amber hunched over the workbench, happily cutting shards of glass for her first design. Three other students worked in close quarters as Monsieur Renaud walked among them, quietly offering advice and encouragement. Lately, this was where she felt happiest.
    While work was as interesting as ever, Hunter's mom was a constant reminder of what Amber was missing when she returned home in the evenings. The art class was a balm to her wounds. Even three weeks after their breakup, she missed Hunter so much that she physically ached. At least in this warm, gentle class she could escape her thoughts for a few hours. That was what art did for her.
    After class, Amber lingered, unwilling to go home. She was still there when Monsieur Renaud's wife came by on her way home from the University where she taught Literature.
    "This must be the darling  Amber!" she exclaimed, upon walking in the door. "My husband tells me what a sweet young woman you are!"
    Amber blushed as the plump faced woman kissed her on both cheeks and then enveloped her in an enormous warm hug.
    "It's a pleasure to meet you, Madame Renaud," she mumbled shyly.
    "Ah, but you are so thin. You must not be eating properly, my dear. You must come to dinner tonight at our home," she insisted, waving her plump hands in excitement.
    "I don't want to be an imposition," Amber tried to say but Madame Renaud had already made up her mind and was consulting with her husband as to what wine they should serve.
    Madame Renaud was like a whirlwind, arms and hands moving animatedly as she rattled on about what a lovely evening it would be and how she was going right away to purchase a lovely bottle of wine.
    "Oh, we do far too little entertaining!" she exclaimed, her face beaming.
    Finally, she kissed her husband warmly and rushed out of the gallery.
    "My wife gets quite excited, as you can see," Monsieur Renaud said with a smile.
    Amber laughed. "I suppose I don't have much of a choice about dinner. I do hope that you don't mind," she said.
    "Mind? I'm delighted, my dear," Monsieur Renaud replied. "I should tell you that my wife and I are childless, but not by choice. My darling wife always wanted a daughter. You will make her so happy if you allow her to fuss over you like a mother hen tonight."
    Amber had confided a little bit about her own childhood to Monsieur, leaving out a lot of details. He knew that she was essentially without parents of her own, but that Hunter's parents had showered her with affection.
    Amber smiled shyly. "I suppose I'm not adverse

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