Once Upon A Time
    "I thought I
had best warn you. My brother's home has several children living
there. I didn't want you to worry about the sudden noise or
anything. It is a sort of group home, but not." It was difficult
explaining a Pack home to a human.
    "I think the
plan is to have the snowball fight, and then eat until we are
stuffed. There will be a spare bedroom for you, if you don't fancy
going home afterwards, or I am a designated driver for the evening,
so I can bring you home."
    The powerful
Landrover engine ate up the return journey, but I slowed down
slightly, glancing at Merida. "Are you sure you want to do this? We
can turn round and go somewhere else if you would rather?" I
commented, as she glanced at me.
    "Oh it's fine
… I am used to people ..." Not really but hey I could try, for him
at least. I enjoyed the ride, it was calming, looking out the
window but I was surprised when I heard him speak about turning
around. I smiled more, knowing someone would just change plans for
me. "I actually want to go. I need to change my way of socializing
..... which is almost non-existent." I chuckled and looked at him
    "You look
handsome." As soon as I said that I blushed, a soft tint of pink.
"I can work with snowball fight, eating, and having fun, though I
wouldn't want to be intruding and needing to stay, but I think it
would be pleasant if it ends late so you don't have to drive back
and forth. I bet you will be exhausted at the end.''. As I speak, I
looked out the window and my eyes widened a bit as I saw the house;
it was more than I had expected, yet looked cosy.
    "Is that it?"
I asked him as he parked and I unbuckled my seatbelt.
    Taking Merida
by the hand, I led her towards the Hall, smiling in encouragement.
I was still not sure why this human aroused such protective
instincts in me, more so than any other human I had dated. Then
there was the fact that Merida was also the first human I had
wanted to bring back to Negrescu Hall. It was all very
    Gavril was
waiting in the Hall entrance, talking to Bran about the
preparations. Clearly preparing the mountains of snowballs and
other paraphernalia for a decent length snowball fight took a lot
of effort, as Bran was explaining that, as the temperature was
falling, he was bringing the younglings back indoors, for food and
refreshments. Depending on the weather later in the early evening,
and the following day, he and Gavril would decide whether to let
the younglings play.
    "Gavril, this
is my date, Merida." I introduced her.
    Looking at the
slight form of the human holding Owain's hand, the first thing that
struck me was that she was small, at least in comparison to my old
friend and Pack Beta.
    "I am pleased
to meet you, Merida." I glanced in the direction of the stairs. "My
wife is upstairs at the moment. She is just putting our twins down
before joining us." I smiled. "I must say, we were all curious when
Owain said he was bringing a date, so I hope we won't overwhelm you
with that curiousity."
    Feeling his
hand take mine I blush. As we walk in I look at the surroundings.
The house looked bigger on the inside. When he spoke to the man
standing in the middle, I actually felt nervous, more than I was.
This man was somewhat bigger and more intimidating than Owain was.
That made me wonder if they all looked the same. If so, it was
bound to be an eventful night.
    "Hello,Sir ...
nice to meet you. " I said politely, then regret calling him a Sir.
What if he didn't like that or if he felt offended .... though Sir
is a respectful thing ... stop thinking so much Meri. Holding my
hand out to Gavril for a shake. What if his hand crushes mine? ...
"Oh don't worry, I will enjoy talking to everyone, plus, I bet he
have brought someone before me, he is handsome."
    I internally
rolled my eyes and sighed. Then looked at him and smile. "Nice
home. It's big but feels

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