The Mike Black Saga; Payback

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Book: The Mike Black Saga; Payback by Roy Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roy Glenn
Sal. Freeze is with me."
    "Freeze! Shit, I haven’t seen his ass in years. Where’s he at?"
    "Over there." Nick pointed at Freeze.
    Sally Fitz threw up his arms. "Call him over."
    "He’s watchin’ my back."
    "This sounds fuckin’ serious."
    "Someplace quiet we can talk, Sal?"
    "Outside. Come on." Nick followed Sally Fitz, and Freeze followed them both out of the club. The two Cubans followed Freeze. Sally Fitz walked across the street and waved for Freeze to join them. Once again, Freeze declined Sally Fitz’s invitation, choosing instead to keep his eye on the two Cubans, who stood twenty feet away.
    "So, what’s up, Nick?" Sally Fitz asked.
    "I’m lookin’ for a guy named Sal that hangs out with a couple of Latinos."
    Sally Fitz looked at the Cubans. "Seems like you found him," he answered.
    "Not you, Sal. The Sal I’m looking for kidnapped Mike Black’s wife yesterday in the Bahamas."
    "That definitely ain’t me. And if Black thinks it’s me, you make sure you tell him that I didn’t have shit to do with it. Me and him go too far back, Nick. Come on. Me, you, Angelo and Black, back in the day, fuckin’ forget about it. I would never. You tell him that."
    "I know, Sal. I was there when it happened, so I know it wasn’t you. But you know people, Sal. I was hopin’ that you knew the guy, since you both got the same name."
    "Shit, Nick, you know how many guys there are named Sal?"
    "Yeah, but like I said, this one hangs with two Latinos, probably South American."
    Sally Fitz thought for a minute. "Now that you mention it, I think I do know who you’re talkin’ about. Sal Terrico . Does a lot of business south of the border."
    "You know where I can find him?"
    "I got no fuckin’ idea. I only met the guy a few times. And for the life of me, I can’t remember who it was that introduced us. Only reason I remember is ’cause we was both in the same place and somebody calls him and I answered. And that’s been years ago."
    "What does he look like?"
    "Shit, I don’t know. He’s a tall, lanky guy, maybe six foot, black hair, mustache ."
    "Anything at all you could tell me about him?"
    "All I can tell you about this guy is that he loves black chicks. He was with a different one every time I seen him. The guy was ravin ’ about how Queens had the best black strip clubs in the city, and how he been to all of them."
    "He say what his favorite was?"
    "Place called Cityscape or some shit like that."
    "Thanks, Sal. You’ve been a big help," Nick said and started to walk away.
    "Forget about it. I hope you get this guy. Hey, Nick, it’s funny you come by ’cause I got something you might be interested in."
    "What’s that?"
    "Really it’s something you could do for me. You know a guy named Paris?"
    "Paris, yeah I know him. Considers himself an information broker. We did some business together. Why?"
    "Yeah, well, he don’t consider himself that no more, ’cause he’s fuckin’ dead."
    "Who killed him?"
    "One of his mules."
    "Why’d the mule kill him?"
    "Paris sent somebody to kill her, but his bitch kills him. So Paris sends two more guys after her. She whacks them. Then she shows up in LA and she puts a bullet in his brain."
    "Just a regular Pam Grier, ain’t she?"
    "You know what I’m sayin’?"
    "It’s a colorful story, Sal, but why you tellin’ me this shit?"
    "When Paris sent the first guy after her, she was carryin’ a package for him. The package was never recovered. And the buyer really wanted that package."
    "I don’t know who the buyer was, but your pal General Peterson was brokering the deal."
    "Now you got my attention. What was in the package?"
    "The way I get it, it’s got somethin’ to do with South America and drugs."
    Nick took a deep breath. He knew that the buyer had to be Diego Estabon . Both the General and Felix worked for him, so it made sense that he was the buyer. That would also explain Diego’s interest in him. If he couldn’t kill Nick, then maybe he could get

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