The Handfasting

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Book: The Handfasting by Jenna Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Stone
belonged to him.
me time, sweetheart,” he said softly.  “I’m doing everything that I can tae
remember.  I…”
brought a trembling hand to her mouth and inhaled sharply.
called me sweetheart,” she uttered in disbelief.  “That’s what you always used
to call me…”
“I can see why I fell in love with ye the first time,” he said, smiling
sheepishly.  “And if ye’ll let me, I’d love tae fall in love with ye again.”
smiled and then looked away.  Gavin’s words made her heart sing.
watched as an attractive flush spread over her cheeks.  Emma was lovely in the
afternoon sunlight.  The sun glistened off her unbound blonde hair, which stood
out in compliment to the sky blue gown that she wore.  Her breasts swelled at
the neck of the gown, and with each rise and fall of her breath, they crested
and fell in a very alluring manner.  Gavin could not deny that he was attracted
to Emma.  As he looked at her now, he wanted to pull her into his arms and
assure her that everything would be alright with time.  He found himself
becoming aroused as he watched her.  The urge to kiss her, to taste her full
lips became harder to fight.
ye prefer that I find somewhere else to sleep until…until we decide how tae
move forward?” he asked.  The question had been burning on his mind.  He had
slept in front of the fire in Emma’s chamber since his return.  Emma had said
nothing to indicate that she was unhappy with this arrangement.
Emma said honestly.  “I like having you close,” she admitted.
had lied.  In truth, Emma loved having Gavin sleep in their chamber. 
Even though he was not yet in her bed, she loved knowing that he was near.  She
adored knowing that he was safe and nearby.  His presence calmed her and the
steady, reassuring rhythm of his breathing while he slept lulled Emma to sleep
at night.  She loved sitting up in their bed and watching him as he slept in
front of the fire.  Secretly, she hoped that he would soon be sleeping in their
bed beside her.  Well, maybe not just sleeping.  Emma felt the dull ache begin
to build within her.  She wanted Gavin so badly that she ached for him.  She
burned for his touch.
was pleased by Emma’s quick refusal that he find somewhere else to sleep.  He
would often rise in the middle of the night and walk over to watch her sleeping
in the giant bed.  He thought that maybe if he watched her, he would remember
something, anything.  He liked being close to her and did not want to find
another place to sleep.  Somehow, he felt as though he belonged with her in
that chamber.  He felt as though he belonged in her bed.
everyone gets the chance tae fall in love, ye ken,” Gavin whispered softly. 
“It would be a rare blessing tae get the joy of falling in love twice.”
heart raced at the implication of Gavin’s words.  Even though he did not
remember, he was telling her that he was willing to love her.  He wanted to
fall in love with her again!
love you so much, Gavin,” Emma whispered, her eyes tearing up as she looked at
the beautiful man before her.  Here he was, her Gavin, and yet it was almost as
if she was professing her love to a stranger.  “There is nothing that I would
like more in the whole world than the chance to fall in love with you again.”
ye for loving me, Emma.  Ye have no idea of how much it means tae me that ye’ve
chosen to stand beside me.  I ken that this canna be easy for ye, and I can
only hope that someday, I’ll be able tae make it up tae ye,” Gavin said
sincerely, his chest clenching with the tension of causing this beautiful lass
such strife.  “It pains me no tae be able tae tell ye that I love ye back, but
when I say those words tae ye, ye will ken that I mean them with all of my heart,”
Gavin said fervently, his green eyes searching Emma’s face for understanding.
them both, Gavin

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