Wild Nights with a Lone Wolf
is our best move?
    He looked around the room and so did she. Pegboard and some broken-looking cabinets lined the walls. A horrible refrigerator sat at one end. Not much to work with.
    Ash’s hand covered hers. Lips and stubble tickled her ear again when he leaned in again to whisper. “Let’s start with plan A. Help me see if we can find any weapons?”
    Sherri nodded against his cheek. When she eased away he grinned at her, and she managed to smile back in spite of there being nearly nothing to get optimistic about. “Lead the way,” she said.
    J ett yanked his clothes on at the club door and dragged Kyle out of the old warehouse. “Tell me what you know.” He swept the area visually as he hurried across the parking lot with the kid’s neck under his hand. Nobody he could see might hear them except the door guard, but you never knew. Their kind excelled at blending with shadows, and their hearing picked up sounds a human couldn’t.
    “Jesus— Fuck— Would you chill the fuck out already?” Kyle ducked and spun around to face him.
    “If what you say is true, I don’t have time to chill.” Jett moved to push past, but Kyle gripped his arms. This tall, lean human had surprising strength in his hands.
    “Look,” Kyle whispered. “Just... Here.”
    Jett saw Kyle closing in, saw him lick his lips and part them, but was surprised enough to let the kiss happen without questioning. He’d known the younger human from before he’d left the pack, but mostly they’d kept to their own corners. Jett avoided all the other pack groupies, and any relationship with a human came with complications.
    Right now, as Kyle’s teeth sank into Jett’s lip, those reasons held less logic.
    Strong fingers wiggled into his back pockets, kneading his ass. Pulling him forward. Kyle groaned and tugged them both toward the street, bumping the thick ridge of his erection against Jett’s. “Come on, can you stop acting like a cop for five minutes?”
    Jett snarled his impatience against Kyle’s ear. “You found me at an after-hours tail-chaser party. That un-cop-like enough?”
    “We couldn’t walk out of that place lookin’ like you were hauling me in for questioning. Any chance someone who knows us both sees that shit, and it’s the end of the line.”
    Okay, the pack groupie schooling the detective sounded all kinds of wrong. Jett shook his head. Pull your shit together, Hughes.
    Jett pointed up the empty road. “Car’s that way.”
    Kyle ducked under his arm. “Let’s go then, baby.” He managed to do it in a way that kept one hand in Jett’s back pocket. “Got something you’re gonna like once we get there.”
    The kid meant information. Pretty sure. Ninety-nine percent. Still, the gruff suggestion teased Jett’s brain and stroked his libido to both turn him on and piss him off. Fucking pack groupies. “Thought you were worrying about someone recognizing us. Wouldn’t it be safer if we were still kissing?”
    Kyle chuckled. “You asking because you don’t want us seen? Or cuz you wanna kiss me some more?”
    Jesus. Pack groupies.
    As they walked, Jett massaged his canines with his tongue while he considered the question. Realizing he could still taste Kyle in his mouth, that he wanted to taste him more, gave him his answer. “Yes. Both.” He tangled his fingers into the man’s thick waves and pulled his head over. Now come here.”
    “Ha. I always liked that about you,” Kyle said.
    “Liked what?”
    “You’re honest. You say what you mean.”
    “I’m not honest. I try not to lie so I don’t have to keep up with the stories, that’s all. There’s a difference.” Jett stopped and unlocked the driver’s door to his car. “Get in and slide over.” He waited for Kyle to comply before he followed and hit the locks.
    Kyle leaned in for another kiss, but Jett grabbed him and pulled him back. “Time for information. You said you came to the club because Ash was in trouble. Tell me what the fuck is

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