The Grace Series (Book 3): Dark Grace

Free The Grace Series (Book 3): Dark Grace by M. Lauryl Lewis

Book: The Grace Series (Book 3): Dark Grace by M. Lauryl Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Lauryl Lewis
brought me out of my trance.  I looked up at him and forced myself to stand.  Nathan was busy tying one boat off to the other, and Susan was doing her best to help him. 
    “Let’s get you on board, kid,” said Boggs in a soothing voice. 
    “I’m not a kid anymore, Boggs,” I sniffled.  I wasn't trying to be mean; it just made me feel inadequate after how much life had changed in the past weeks.
    “I know, Zo.  I know.”
    I followed him to the point where the two boats were joined.  He made the transition from the smaller boat to the larger first, and then helped me keep my balance while I did the same.
    “Zoe, go ahead and go below.  Dry off, warm up.  I’ll send Gus down.  Nathan and I’ll take care of getting the supplies transferred over.”
    I nodded.  As I began walking toward the stairs that led below, Susan stopped me and hugged me warmly.  I found myself returning the embrace. 
    “The girls are down below, Zoe.  Let’s both go down, huh?”
    “I’m so sorry.  We all loved Emilie.”
    “She was such a good soul,” I managed to answer.
    Susan walked behind me while I descended the stairway.  Jane and Abbey were both sitting side-by-side at the small table in the galley and they both had reddened eyes from crying. 
    “Is she really gone?” asked Abbey.  She sounded so incredibly sad.
    I nodded.  “Ya, Abbey, she really is.”
    “I liked her,” said Jane.
    “We said good-bye before we got back here, and Boggs said some nice words.  She’s in Heaven now, girls.  You have to take comfort in that, ok?”
    They both nodded.  Abbey slumped forward and rested her head on the table, looking utterly miserable.
    “Are we going back to the island?” asked Abbey.
    Susan walked to the table and sat across from both the girls.  “No, it’s not safe there anymore.  Uncle Nate said he recognized one of the people from back at the compound.  Somehow they found us, munchkins.”
    I heard Gus’ footfalls on the stairs behind us.  I turned to look at him.  He looked broken.
    “We’ll stay on the water tonight,” he said.  “Then head for the lighthouse tomorrow.  Susan, do you mind if Zoe and I have some alone time in the bunk room?”
    “Sure, Gus.  No problem.”
    “Can you bring a blanket in once the guys bring one down?”
    “Of course.”
    I didn’t question his request.  I got up and followed him into the small room that held the bunks. 
    “Sit down, Zoe.”
    I looked at him.  He looked like he had aged several years in the span of the past several hours.  I sat on the narrow bunk I had slept on many times while we used the boat as a temporary home.  When Gus sat beside me and put an arm around me, I leaned into him. 
    “Gus…” I began.  It was hard to even get his name out, let alone what I wanted to say.  “It hurts so bad,” I finally mumbled.  “I can’t believe she’s gone.  I loved her so much.”
    “I know you did, darlin,’” he said somberly.  “As did I.  She was a trooper if I’ve ever known one.  Such a sincere person.”  He paused.  “You should get some sleep.  Susan should be in with a blanket soon.”
    “ I don’t think I can sleep, Gus,” I admitted.
    “I’ll send Boggs in.”
    I looked sideways at Gus.  “Are you going to be ok?”
    He shook his head.  “It’ll be hard but we’ll both be ok eventually.”
    I looked at my belly.  The baby within was moving frantically.  It actually startled me.
    “What’s wrong?” asked Gus.
    “Baby’s just having some kind of fit,” I said.  I cringed as the movements became painful.
    “Looks like it hurts?”
    “A bit,” I winced.
    The door opened and Susan walked in.
    “You guys ok?”
    “Zoe needs to get dry and lay down.”  
    “I have a couple blankets and some clothes for both of you.  And your pillows.”
    “Thanks, Susan,” I said.
    “Can you send Boggs in once they’re done up there?” asked Gus quietly.
    “Ya, sure.”
    I stood and

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