A Harsh Lesson
    By Michael Scott Taylor
    Copyright 2013 Michael Scott Taylor
    Smashwords Edition,
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    DISCLAIMER: This story is intended for a mature audience only! Contains
explicit, graphic sex and language. Definitely not intended for
individuals under the age of 18 or those with a weak heart! I
repeat: 18 and over only!!
    AUTHORS NOTE: All characters in this fictional story are over 18 years

    Nikki Fox, a stunning blonde with a thin,
lithe, rock-hard body honed in the gym on a daily basis, is
standing in the living room talking to her husband Mark, an equally
fit, ex-college athlete with a full head of brown hair and an
angular, attractively rugged face. Both are in their early thirties
and both look great for their age. They’ve been married for 11
years, each of which has been better than the last.
    There are many reasons for their continued
marital success, including a complete openness with one another and
an us-against-the-world attitude. But the biggest factor is their
willingness to engage in deviant, perverted sexual acts; not only
with each other, but involving third (and sometimes even fourth or
fifth) parties.
    Over the years, they have participated in
many types of different sexual scenarios, sometimes setting them up
themselves and sometimes letting others do the planning. But
recently they have stumbled upon a game they like to play more than
any other, the specifics of which they are discussing at this very
moment in the living room of their immaculately furnished 3-bedroom
house in the suburbs.
    “ Are you sure Cindy’s up for
this?” Nikki says.
    “ Positive,” Mark replies.
“I’ve been setting it up for weeks. She’s totally into me. I’ve had
to fight her off with a stick for the last couple of days. She’s
just waiting for you to leave.”
    “ And you’re certain it’ll go
the way we want?”
    “ Positive,” Mark says. “You
know me. I have a knack for these things.”
    “ You do indeed,” Nikki says.
“That’s why I love you so much.”
    She steps into him and sticks her tongue
into his mouth. He returns the kiss and they make out, each more
excited than usual. They’ve done this sort of thing before, of
course, but that didn’t make it any less exhilarating.
    Nikki breaks off the kiss and grabs Mark’s
cock, gripping it beneath his pants. “I see that you’re already
hard with anticipation.”
    Mark runs his fingers under Nikki’s skirt
and rubs her pussy over her panties. “And I see that you’re already
    “ You know I like the sort of
thing as much as you do.”
    “ Which is why I love you so much.”
    They smile at each other, their faces
conveying genuine emotion.
    “ Now go,” Mark says,
slapping Nikki on the ass. “Let’s get this show on the
    Five minutes later, Nikki pulls her car out
of the garage and closes the garage door behind her. Two minutes
after that there’s a knock on their front door. Mark looks through
the peephole, just to be sure.
    It’s Cindy. She’s wearing a slinky, lacy,
black top and a jean skirt, with lots of makeup and her hair done
up. Her intentions are obvious.
    Mark answers the door, opening it and
hustling Cindy into the house and quickly closing the door behind
them, acting like they’re worried about getting caught.
    Cindy is a 20-year old girl college student
that lives down the street who’s home for

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