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Book: Working_Out by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
Tags: Romance
than forthcoming, and Shane’s knowledge of the blond beauty was limited to what Shelby had shared with him, which wasn’t much more than what Mac had already known. Mac’s future lover had an older brother named Trevor. She worked at an art gallery called The Beholder for a woman named Kim. She designed paper sculptures and worked part time teaching aerobics to make ends meet.
    He also knew that she spent a lot of time with Shelby and Mimi Vanzant, Shelby’s Mom, whom Mac had met and taken an instant liking to.
    Mimi took flamboyancy to a whole new level, but she had a heart nearly as big as her personality. Although Ron’s inspection had made him uncomfortable the first few times he’d encountered the guy, he’d adjusted. Mac didn’t have a problem with gays. He’d had his share of men come on to him, and he’d easily rebuffed the offers, no harm no foul. He couldn’t care less about orientation. Something his uncle had made sure to drill into his head early on. It wasn’t about looks, status, or background, but about action. If a Marine worked hard, color, race, sexuality, and gender mattered little. Now, if the Marine fucked around on the job, Mac stepped in and kicked some serious ass.
    Unlike Ron who apparently liked fucking ass. Sex with a dude did nothing for Mac, but with a woman?
    Mac had tried anal a few times with past girlfriends. He wasn’t opposed to it, but he preferred a nice tight pussy. Yet he’d had some tasty fantasies about taking Maggie anywhere and everywhere. The woman made him hard by just breathing. The thought of owning her fine ass, of coming in her pussy or better yet, her mouth, just seemed like something he had to do.
    How many more dates before he saw the green light in her gaze? And not as something to get over with , but something to savor?
    “There you are.” Shane guffawed from the doorway to Mac’s office. “Down boy. Happy to see me?” He glanced at Mac’s crotch, which as usual, stood at attention at thoughts of Maggie.
    Mac quickly sat behind his desk and flushed. “I was daydreaming about Maggie. Happy?”
    “Not as happy as you, apparently.” Shane closed the door of Mac’s office behind him and sat across from Mac’s desk to face him. “So how did Saturday night go? You’ve been way too quiet about it.”
    “It went okay after I scared the shit out of her.”
    “Figured you might. Maggie doesn’t have a lot of guys over, or so Shelby says. She wouldn’t have been expecting anyone else to be there.”
    “Yeah, well, after she got over her near stroke, I left. We had dinner last night.”
    Shane’s eyes widened, as did his grin. “Oh?”
    “So what?” Mac tried for blasé, but Shane wasn’t having it.
    “You like her. A lot. This isn’t just lust. I know you, buddy. You normally fuck ‘em and leave ‘em. Sorry to say.”
    “As I said before, so what? The ladies know what they’re in for. Hell, that’s why they come to me. They want a fun ride, and I give it to them.”
    “Yeah? So did you bone her yet?”
    “Don’t be an ass. And since when do you talk like me? ‘Bone her?’”
    Shane stood and pointed at Mac. “A ha!”
    “What the fuck does that mean?”
    “You want Maggie as something more than a fuck toy. Amen. The boy has finally grown up.”
    “I’m a desk away from putting your face through my wall,” Mac warned, thoroughly aggravated. Yeah, he liked Maggie. But Shane made it sound a lot more serious than the emotion warranted. Mac just wanted to dominate her a little, and to do that, he wanted a tighter friendship between them. They’d have sex, then go their separate ways. No biggie.
    Shane smiled widely. “Dude, you and my idiot brother gave me so much dicked up advice about Shelby, it’s a wonder the woman still talks to me. Thankfully, she’s learned to ignore both of you. I think she might be considering moving in with me.”
    “You asked her?”
    “Yeah. We talk about the next step a lot. I’m, ah, going to ask

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