
Free Working_Out by Marie Harte

Book: Working_Out by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
Tags: Romance
coming deep inside you and you’re crying out my name? Then we’ll be even.”
    “Well when will that be?” she asked, annoyed he seemed to be toying with her. “Why wait? Let’s just get it over with.” She wanted to end her sexual dormancy with the man, and he didn’t seem to be getting the hint.
    “Get it over with?” He scowled. “Seriously, Doran. You need help with that attitude. Make sure to wear something tight tomorrow.”
    Interesting how natural it felt to revert to their previous roles as combatants. She liked that she felt at ease with him. After their recent intimacy, she would have thought she’d be blushing and stammering. Yet Mac made it all seem normal to be so close to him. “Don’t be an ass, Jameson.”
    “It’s okay, honeybuns. I’m your ass for the time being.” He smiled and wiggled his brows. “Now get inside. It’s cold out. And don’t be late tomorrow.”
    She left the car and slammed the door on his laughter. But he was right. It was cold outside. She hustled inside her apartment and locked the door behind her. Then she peered through her curtains, not surprised he’d waited until he’d seen her inside before he left.
    Mac Jameson. An ass. A dictator. A skilled lover. A true puzzle she had every intention of figuring out. Because he’s a potential friend with benefits and nothing more.
    And wasn’t that what she wanted? No more emotional pitfalls, just a sexy man with whom she could end her dry spell. So why did she sense her date with Mac as the beginning of so much more?

    Chapter Six
    Mac thought he’d done an impressive job by holding out last night. He hadn’t jumped Maggie when he’d seen her wearing those form-hugging jeans and pretty pink tee. When she’d fallen asleep on him, he’d been the perfect gentleman, even though her breasts had been pressing into his side and giving him the hard-on from hell.
    And even when she’d come on to him in the SUV, he hadn’t done more than let her handle him, when every cell in his body had demanded he take charge, put her in the back of the vehicle, and fuck the shit out of her.
    He blew out a breath. So far, so good, Jameson.
    As the morning flew by and Maggie did no more than scowl at him before tending to her class, Mac felt on even keel once more. Though the day passed by with agonizing slowness, he didn’t feel as if he’d damaged their relationship, such as it was. He got hives just thinking about the R word, but with Maggie, he defined it as a friendship first, one that would hopefully lead to some fucking incredible sex. He just needed to layer the trust between them, to see if the subtle submissive vibes he’d sensed rang true.
    For all that the woman lashed out at him like a Doberman, she obeyed at the oddest times, when she should have been protesting his control. Telling her what to do concerning their date? Taking charge of her climax the other night? She’d melted for him. And he just knew she’d be perfect on her knees, obeying him.
    That’s if he could get her there.
    Stubborn thing would make him work to own her. Yet he looked forward to the challenge. Nothing worth having in life had ever been easy. And sure as shit, Maggie Doran screamed difficult .
    He watched her leave work, heard more chatter about her fine ass, and did his best to steer clear of the women who tended to want more of his attention than he felt comfortable giving.
    Normally he didn’t mind their flattery. He admitted it soothed his bruised ego, considering Maggie hadn’t come on to him before he’d made his move. Knowing she’d been celibate helped cool his ardor, but not by much. After their last two days spent with each other, he knew he could seal the deal and make a memory with her he’d never forget.
    Yet he didn’t think he’d given them enough time to really know each other. The woman thought he had trust issues? Learning she’d been abandoned as a kid offered some valuable insight. Shelby had been less

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