A New Day

Free A New Day by Nancy Hopper

Book: A New Day by Nancy Hopper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Hopper
still enjoy a lady’s company every now and then.  Guess I chose wrong tonight, didn’t I?  Forgive the mistake.”
         Indignation rose in Tasha’s breast, welling into a blinding rage.  “How dare you?  You big jerk!”
         “ Look who’s talking!”  he lashed back at her.  He grabbed her arms, and shook her soundly.  “Can’t you ever stop?  Do us both a favor, and just go back to the house if you don’t want to go with me.  I’m sick of listening to your garbage.  I love this part of the coast, that’s why I wanted to come here to recover.  It was a terrible mistake!  After this summer, every time I let my heart turn this way, to think about this beautiful place, I am quite certain I’ll hear in my mind your selfish snapping and caterwauling.  It’s been such a constant, I’m sure I’ll have a permanent and horrible association.”
         “ You are so insufferable!” she accused angrily.  “You’re the most difficult, headstrong, offensive man I’ve ever met in my life!”
         “ Why?  Because I tell you the truth about yourself?”
         “ The truth ?  You’re deranged!”
         “ No, just too honest for you.  I bet nobody else in your life ever cared enough to take you over their knee and spank your pants for you.  I was the first one, wasn’t I?” he challenged.
         Tasha swung her arm to slap him for his insolence, but found her wrists imprisoned in his steel fists, instead.
         “ You’re never going to get away with that again, Tasha.  I told you once before; when you are with me, you’re going to behave.  Without exception!  I’ve let you get away with far too much, as it is.  You’re done with your tantrums.  I mean it!”
         “ Stop treating me like a child!” she wailed in frustration.
         “ Stop acting like one!” he laughed.
         “ How dare you laugh at me?” she sobbed.  It cracked her heart  wide open, to have him laugh in her face.
         “ I’m not trying to laugh at you, Tasha.  Stop being so sensitive, and listen to your heart!  Listen to what it’s saying to you.”
         Gary’s words perplexed Tasha.  “You’re crazy.”  she cried, on the verge of losing her composure entirely.
         “ Maybe.  Be quiet for a second.  Calm down.  Take a couple of deep breaths, and listen to me.”
         Somehow, Tasha found herself trying to obey him.  She was perplexed when he moved closer, and slipped his arms loosely around her back. 
         “ Tasha, you have to learn to let go of the little things, and make the best of what you can’t change.  Learn to appreciate the simple things in life that can be so comforting.  Listen to the sea, Tasha, look up at the stars.  Relax!  Let go of all this useless hostility.  It’s pointless!  Can’t you see by now, that it doesn’t hurt anyone but you?”  He waited for the words to sink in, before he continued.
         “ Honey, this family would like to draw you in, and love you.  Why do you think they asked you here, this summer?  Why are you so determined to be miserable, and make everyone else suffer along with you?”
         Tasha knew she needed to push away from his arms immediately, but it was surprisingly so comforting to be there that she truly didn’t want to.  She was mortified to find that tears were slipping down her petal-soft cheeks.  She couldn’t check them, and they became a torrent, leaving a great, wet spot where her face rested against Gary’s shirt.
         “ Oh, no.”  she whispered between sobs.  This was simply bizarre.  She just couldn't understand what was happening to her.
         Gary’s chuckle rumbled against her ear.  “You wage a very fierce battle, Tasha, but it’s time to let it go.  Come on, now, let it all go.  You don’t need to do this anymore.  Tasha, let’s be friends.  What do you say?” 
         The soft, deep purr of his

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