Doctor's Orders
pause for thought. It’s one thing to have fun and
sow your wild oats when you are in your twenties, but did I still
want to be doing this when I was in my thirties? Or forties? When
would I stop?
    Eventually, I could stand Thomasin’s bragging no
longer. I made my excuses as soon as was polite, and headed back to
the office. I could see that he was frustrated at having one get
away. But never mind, I was sure he wouldn’t find it hard to pick
up another floozie to hump. There are plenty of girls like me
    Before going back to the office, I made a detour
home and changed my clothes. I ditched the short skirt, and found
something that reached closer to my knees. I tied my hair back in a
more serious and professional way, and I toned down my make-up too.
I checked myself in the mirror and felt better. Less of the
available tramp, and more of the sophisticated business woman.
    Come on, Angel, I thought. You can do
    I arrived at Brad’s
office early – probably a little too early. The building was
one of those dark-glassed office blocks that tower over Sydney,
stretching up about 60 stories. The reception area was vast and
elaborate, with a marble floor and statues of what I took to be
Greek mythical heroes. The statue next to the reception desk was a
full-size one of a fierce looking warrior who packed a fearsome
punch in the loincloth department. Very impressive.
    I was still staring at his package when I heard a
cough, and realized the receptionist was trying to attract my
attention. I blushed a little and signed in, getting a badge
labeled Visitor in return for my signature. I strutted over to the
elevators, and pressed the button. While I waited, I read the names
of all the companies listed on the tenant’s board. Most of them
were big corporates – international banks and IT companies. You
clearly needed to have money to get space in this building.
Eventually the elevator arrived, and I accelerated up to the 58th
floor at a rather scary speed.
    It seemed that Brad’s company occupied the whole of
this floor, and when the elevator doors opened, I could almost
taste the money. The floor was deep in lush red carpet that must
have cost a fortune, and the whole feel of the place was….well,
expensive. Brad was no ordinary doctor – it seemed he was running
an empire. I had expected nice offices, but I certainly hadn’t
anticipated anything like this. There was another reception desk
for me to check in at, but this time there were no formalities. As
soon as I gave my name, the pretty brunette receptionist greeted me
as if I was a long-lost friend, and told me Brad would be ready in
a moment. I took a seat in the waiting area, and was amazed to
discover that the magazines on the table were all current issues –
not a 2009 issue of Reader’s Digest in sight. Very different to
visiting my dentist.
    I had picked up the latest edition of Cosmopolitan,
and was just getting into a juicy article on ‘Seven Sex Positions
You Have Never Tried Before’ (as if!) when I heard Brad’s silky
voice beside me.
    ‘Doing a little more research on our topic, I see,’
he said, with a cheeky grin on his face.
    ‘Oh, er no…I was just browsing,’ I said, slamming
the magazine closed and trying not to turn as red as a
    Brad laughed and beckoned me to follow him, pausing
only to ask the receptionist to bring us coffee. I followed his
broad shoulders down a corridor that was also lined in the same
plush, red carpet. At the end, double doors opened into a stunning
office. It was big, but not ostentatiously huge, and the furniture
was good quality, but not over the top. What made it truly
stunning, though, was the view. The whole of one wall was pure
glass, with a vista that looked out across the center of Sydney to
the harbour. Not a bad view to have from your desk – the bridge,
the opera house and all the beauty of Sydney beyond.
    Brad invited me to sit with him in an informal
seating area adjacent

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